
Review Detail of Inferno_Vor in Reincarnated in Highschool DxD

Detalle de revisión


[As of chapter 7] The grammar and formating are atrocious. A lot of mistakes and it's hard to follow. The update stability is unknown since it's new. The story development is decent but kinda fast. The character design is awful. He met Cleira Belial for a short time in a cafe and flirted and she instantly fell in love with him so hard her friend thought she had it really bad for MC.

Reincarnated in Highschool DxD


Le gusta a personas 17

me gusta




true honestly how can she just sleep with him when something like that happened to her i dropped there it will probably turn into another mindless pokemon i really hate the fact that the author consider this 'romance'


I wouldnt say that the grammer is that bad compared to other fanfics on this site. However the characters and story progression are very inconsistent. I.e. falling in love with Cleria very quickly. P.s. she shows no concern for her servants who would have been massacred while she hid away with the mc. Only cares about her brother while the others aren’t even mentioned even though a few chapters earlier she was shown to get along with them well. complete opposite of her character. Also, he shows up like a few days late to save Akeno and her mother after sleeping for a few years. This is clearly the authors choice which is weird considering how stupidly op he made the mc. p.s. the mc lets the murderers go even though they insult and try to kill him while he acts like a young master. Overall, I have lost interest. It isn’t terrible but the characters and plot decisions are jarringly inconsistent.