
Review Detail of Barnacleboy in Authority of the Gods

Detalle de revisión


I love this auther for his writing quality and is ability to write good dialogue. I also respect the fact that he’s pretty good with us update stability. My issues with this book has to do with the story. It starts with a great concept of naruto going back into time as obito. Great idea!!! But then Naruto is ‘unconsciously’ catching girls like he has a Pokédex to fill. His own mother kushina, is implied at this point to have feelings for obito, who is also naruto. Its also implied that mikoto and kaguya (yes that kaguya) is also also apart of his herem. And as bs and cringe I find all that, as a fan fic reader I have come to learn that every fan fic, as a wish fulfillment book will have something you don’t like that you will need to power though to continue reading. But, my biggest issue is the author demonizing every male character that would usually end up with that girl who will now eventually end up in obitos herem. Minato for some reason has become a manipulative a** that would let kushina be kidnapped so he could save the day and win her heart just so he can be closer to his goal of becoming hokage. Fugaku has become the clan head who wants to marry mikoto because she has deep pockets of cash and it would stabilize his position as head of the uchiha. And I am pretty sure thats how asuma will be portayed since kurenai seems to also be interested in obito. And that bothers me. Good characters with potential are just demonized for the sake of plot convenience so he can have a big herem. And this is all done before hes even 5. Character design is alright since its naruto, apart from the dudes that are demonized and the girls who for some reason get a ‘special feeling’ in there heart the moment they meet with obito. They do seem to act like they would in the show. And the world background is naruto. Its hard to mess up a world like naruto since some information we get in manga and anime conflict with each other and the dates make no sence. So as long as you don’t forget major events, any minor changes to the story or timeline can be shrugged off since the whole show is filled with plot wholes. My final thoughts on this book is that its a great story for those who love herems and hate on previous romantic intrestes of herem members. For those who dont, I recommend giving it a chance since I’ve read this authors starwars book and found that even with all the bs(talking about many times he adds a crossover jusy to boost the character) in that novel he can write a interactive and intriguing story.

Authority of the Gods


Le gusta a personas 32

me gusta



Thanks, saved me a lot of time.


thanks for letting me know but i am already scrapping the bottom of the barrel. So i will still read this, wish me luck guys 🙂


Same as the comment above readin 40+ stories atm most on haitus for exams and the rest are every 2 day or 1 a week uploads need something to fill the time and Naruto fics generally are decent for that unless they start mixing One Piece or Bleach with it then i avoid them like the plauge sure a Zanpakto that functions on Chakra instead of Reatsu can be balanced as a form of bloodline limit but spirit pressure and haki ruin the point of power scaling in Naruto so hoping this one doesnt do so very few exceptions.. sorry for the rant there but started 4 stories today dripped 3 within the first 10 chaps for that how tf is a 4 year old a Kage+ level fighter with Armament Haki and unexplained super intelligence >.>

TheRamenLord:thanks for letting me know but i am already scrapping the bottom of the barrel. So i will still read this, wish me luck guys 🙂






The timeline doesn’t make sense. That’s why I laughed


mine? I don't know how it doesn't seeing how I literally had to find all their ages, how old they were when they got the seat, when they left(died)

Barnacleboy:The timeline doesn’t make sense. That’s why I laughed

And I meant 88 years not 77

Barnacleboy:The timeline doesn’t make sense. That’s why I laughed

Did you drop your FF?

Barnacleboy:The timeline doesn’t make sense. That’s why I laughed

Lol kinda. I started a new job a year ago. But I’ve been thinking about trying to post a new poke fanfic. I just want to stock up on chapters first so I don’t have a single chapter on my fic like last time

_Junior_H:Did you drop your FF?

Glad to know that Reward: 222077

Barnacleboy:Lol kinda. I started a new job a year ago. But I’ve been thinking about trying to post a new poke fanfic. I just want to stock up on chapters first so I don’t have a single chapter on my fic like last time