
Review Detail of SadanandanKakkanat in Project next

Detalle de revisión


There were debit cards and pan card which were unable to protect him in the capital city, which had many security measures and systems. Those were not useful for every moment at everywhere and in everything of its entity as a capital city of a great nation which had finished many laps of a long journey that was started at a point before prehistoric settlements on many river banks. It was the day of the holy birth and the sixth day of his journey. He thought; it was the last day of his life. It was no need to search a way to suicide in a winter. It was so eager to eat him. He thought about his little daughter; took a note pad from his bag and wrote, "My daughter, I love you so much though I have done nothing to show my responsibility. I have nothing to say. I am a loser who has no right to live in a world of gainers. I am at a dying point. These are my last words. Goodbye all."

Project next


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