
Review Detail of WhatIfMoble in Magical Marvel (HP X MCU)

Detalle de revisión


The book starts off HORRIBLY. I barely managed to get past chapter 2 due to how convoluted and forced the story seems. Voldermort did not kill HP's parents (HP does not even exist in fact, instead it is a pair of twins). Voldermort was defeated due to the female twin in the far future had put up a protection spell to protect her past self. The twins then got separated by Dumbledore since he thought the male was the chosen one (sexist?). The female twin then got to live like HP, but got abandoned before gaining memories of her past life. She then goes back in time like 5000 years and basically becomes many of the important figures throughout time. She then gets brought back during the goblet of fire movie. She rejects accepting her parents, but accepts her siblings. Her parents refuse to not act as her parents, even though she made it clear they are not to do so. She then was revealed to be a "dark" wizard, even though she did not use the magic to harm people. This led to the parents abandoning her, even though she made it clear she did not want them in the first place. She sets up Dumbledore to reveal he is evil and fakes her death. Then she helps her brother defeat voldermort at the graveyard. After this, the parents once again tried to make it out like they accepted her, even though she NEVER agreed to accept them and they went too far too many times. As you can see, the story is VERY complex. The story has a bunch of times where we see events throughout history that she impacted. These events are almost all boring and can be skipped with minimal impact to the reader's enjoyment. The story has now reached a point where I no longer care what happens in the story, so I am stopping here (chapter 66). I rate the story a 2.5 (where 2.5 is average), which is high because I originally was going to rate it a 1 based on the first 2 chapters.

Magical Marvel (HP X MCU)


Le gusta a personas 20

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Thank you, I avoided a stray bullet, I hate these stories that make the simple complicated.


Completely agree with this review