
Review Detail of flosvloom in The Mysterious death of Ladesma family

Detalle de revisión


Writing quality for me is on peak. idk how tagalog writing goes tbh, but I like how the words flows so easily. tho i feel like there could be some improvement more if the author wrote things in a normal taglish way, so it wouldn't seem confusing. like for the age for example. character design, i cant really tell much since there is only about 3 chapters and its too short per chapter, so ill wait for more chapters and give my other reviews for other qualities. updating stability...needs a lot of work to do. world background, i feel like it lacks a a bit description on the setting. like use the five senses for example. how the blood smell, how it made him feel, how the texture feels, what the mc see. so on and on. weather and etc, clothing and appearance too. about the story development, I kinda want more exposition first before being thrown to the actual inciting incident. but im looking forward on how things will go.

The Mysterious death of Ladesma family


Le gusta a personas 1

me gusta



I'm waiting author. Do take your time tho. No rush or pressure. ❤

Claire_Mendoza:I'am thinking of adding a chapter this saturday

I'am thinking of adding a chapter this saturday


sorry for not writing here my phone has been lost and my i forgit about this app until i remebmber this moment ty for saying this to me I'll write more often now