
Review Detail of Toxic_318 in The Ravager in danmachi

Detalle de revisión


Well, the writing quality was pretty bad at first but it is improving. I guess it went from extremely bad --> just a little bad but bearable. I can't really say much about stability of updates cuz it's not even stable in the first place. Story development is fine. The start was really confusing and combined with the bad writing and grammar, most readers would probably drop the novel. The plot was also quite interesting. Not a bad novel for a read but I suggest that the author rewrites the early chapters if possible

The Ravager in danmachi


Le gusta a personas 4

me gusta



currently doing that, thanks for the review!


with the rewrite 1 point I feel is necessary is this mc is supposed to be intelligent and he is somewhat but to not optimize and maximize his stats and foundation is foolish so if you make it so that's a focus as well then it will improve the story even more

Parlantesco:currently doing that, thanks for the review!