
Review Detail of Eternity0008 in Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse

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this is more of a placeholder review, as I haven't read a large amount of the story yet. If the author could answer a question I have, I would very much appreciate it!Is Lilith the only love interest BZ has, or does a harem form later on? I'd like to know before reading, harems just aren't my thing.

Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse


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That’s the dumbest thing I’ve seen in a while. It’s a great story but drop it because the MC has more than one love interest? The guy has super powers and goes to other worlds, and you’re fine with that but the guy has more than one wife or girlfriend and suddenly that’s too much for you? LOL 😂 The relationship development is done and it would honestly be a shame if it wasn’t harem, not to mention the situation they find themselves in even makes sense for harem/polygamous relationships to start happening in the story. To each their own though.

Isobara_Mark:yeah, just drop the novel now, there is definitely gonna be a harem. see ya

As of chapter 1306 he has only been together with Lilith, and it still seems like it’s going to be that way right now. though some more girls are in love with him he doesn’t love them back as of now


yeah, just drop the novel now, there is definitely gonna be a harem. see ya


Your loss if you drop it. Its a great story with good characters, not to mention the relationship development and romance is well done and make sense given the plot and situation of the story. To anyone who would actually drop a well written and good story just because it ends up with a harem/the MC having more than one love interest I say - Bye Karen!, don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

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it just makes u question his priorities

J_S_2998:Your loss if you drop it. Its a great story with good characters, not to mention the relationship development and romance is well done and make sense given the plot and situation of the story. To anyone who would actually drop a well written and good story just because it ends up with a harem/the MC having more than one love interest I say - Bye Karen!, don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

So him not having more than one wife is a higher priority to you than him saving the universe? I’m questioning your priorities now.

Isobara_Mark:it just makes u question his priorities

apparently there was a misunderstanding somewhere. I sarcastically told him to drop the novel since he didn't want a harem and u guys misread and assumed I was in support. I love reasonable harem novels.

MrHam_2232:So him not having more than one wife is a higher priority to you than him saving the universe? I’m questioning your priorities now.

Ah, I thought you were talking about zemin’s priorities, not the commenters. My bad.

Isobara_Mark:apparently there was a misunderstanding somewhere. I sarcastically told him to drop the novel since he didn't want a harem and u guys misread and assumed I was in support. I love reasonable harem novels.

I would say this novel is starting to become not your cup of tea my friend. Although BZ has been explicitly stated to be in a harem, they act close enough to it and for some reason recently BZ character has become a pushover around women who seem to fall at his feet ever other chapter so....you can probably understand.