
Review Detail of Broke_the_Matrix in The Story Never Ends

Detalle de revisión


Hello guys I am the author of this book. If you are tired of seeing bullied, dark past, sister relationship, family problems and the same cliché stories. Then this novel is for you all.

The Story Never Ends


Le gusta a personas 64

me gusta



Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I hate romance, it's the most useless waste of time. Better reveal the characters and the story.


finally, i feel like when i arrive at home after long day of work.


I hate the sister relationships Ill definitely read this


Honestly it seemed really interesting to me at first but I had to stop reading at chapter 17. It seems like its going the cliche route of "keeping a low profile". Why would he do that? Honestly what benefit will this bring him? And he just had to show his talent as 1st grade. And he's envious of other people going to higher tier sects. So why wouldn't he show at least grade 3 or 4 talent so he can go to a middle or high tier sect? It's not like it seems all that rare as we already have several "heavenly genius" level people popping up in this tiny starter city in this one continent. So showing enough talent to be a normal member of a large sect is not "high profile" or dangerous at all. He just seems to be contradicting himself with being envious and wanting to join a powerful sect and then for no absolute reason wants to all of a sudden keep a low profile. I started reading because the author stated this would be different then all those usual cliches where the mc is looked down upon but we already see people calling him trash and looking down on him in chapter 17. Sorry about the rant😅. But i'm honestly sick of reading the same cliche plot over and over. I commented here instead of posting a review because I dont think it's fair to post a bad review and lower the rating of the story When i've only read 17 chapters. Does this get better? Does he display his talent and get a high position early on in the story? And I don't mean when finally on chapter 300 or something he gets recognition in his small area, then moves on to a middle tier sect or something and it's rinse and repeat. Again, sorry for the rant, guess i'm just in the mood today.


If he could show his talent more than grade 1 then he could have surely done it. But he couldn't. I think I have explained properly how he showed his talent.

Bahri:Honestly it seemed really interesting to me at first but I had to stop reading at chapter 17. It seems like its going the cliche route of "keeping a low profile". Why would he do that? Honestly what benefit will this bring him? And he just had to show his talent as 1st grade. And he's envious of other people going to higher tier sects. So why wouldn't he show at least grade 3 or 4 talent so he can go to a middle or high tier sect? It's not like it seems all that rare as we already have several "heavenly genius" level people popping up in this tiny starter city in this one continent. So showing enough talent to be a normal member of a large sect is not "high profile" or dangerous at all. He just seems to be contradicting himself with being envious and wanting to join a powerful sect and then for no absolute reason wants to all of a sudden keep a low profile. I started reading because the author stated this would be different then all those usual cliches where the mc is looked down upon but we already see people calling him trash and looking down on him in chapter 17. Sorry about the rant😅. But i'm honestly sick of reading the same cliche plot over and over. I commented here instead of posting a review because I dont think it's fair to post a bad review and lower the rating of the story When i've only read 17 chapters. Does this get better? Does he display his talent and get a high position early on in the story? And I don't mean when finally on chapter 300 or something he gets recognition in his small area, then moves on to a middle tier sect or something and it's rinse and repeat. Again, sorry for the rant, guess i'm just in the mood today.

Is there romance?



Cheezzzzz:Is there romance?

full cliches


author says no cliche this is full cliche that is very sickening to read


Even having no clichés is a cliché.

MoreMercury76:author says no cliche this is full cliche that is very sickening to read

Bro no offense but you saying he is keeping low profile makes me want to read this more!

Bahri:Honestly it seemed really interesting to me at first but I had to stop reading at chapter 17. It seems like its going the cliche route of "keeping a low profile". Why would he do that? Honestly what benefit will this bring him? And he just had to show his talent as 1st grade. And he's envious of other people going to higher tier sects. So why wouldn't he show at least grade 3 or 4 talent so he can go to a middle or high tier sect? It's not like it seems all that rare as we already have several "heavenly genius" level people popping up in this tiny starter city in this one continent. So showing enough talent to be a normal member of a large sect is not "high profile" or dangerous at all. He just seems to be contradicting himself with being envious and wanting to join a powerful sect and then for no absolute reason wants to all of a sudden keep a low profile. I started reading because the author stated this would be different then all those usual cliches where the mc is looked down upon but we already see people calling him trash and looking down on him in chapter 17. Sorry about the rant😅. But i'm honestly sick of reading the same cliche plot over and over. I commented here instead of posting a review because I dont think it's fair to post a bad review and lower the rating of the story When i've only read 17 chapters. Does this get better? Does he display his talent and get a high position early on in the story? And I don't mean when finally on chapter 300 or something he gets recognition in his small area, then moves on to a middle tier sect or something and it's rinse and repeat. Again, sorry for the rant, guess i'm just in the mood today.

actually no your story pretty normal nothing special if i am being honest the overused plot where the girl the mc first meets turns out to be talented and i hate that so yeah this story isn't for me so i gave it a 3.5 because if this was last year i would have loved this


thank you! is there going to be any romance tho? I personally don't hate it if it's done right but I hate Harem and I hate if the way they meet is a cliche. like Mc goes to swim and the girl is in the pool naked and shouts and wants to kill the mc and says that he is pervert


is he antihero or is perhaps a Social justice warrior


onichan why,I love you

Adolf:I hate the sister relationships Ill definitely read this





don't say it isn't full of cliches cause you instantly went low profile route


harem? i hope this means its isnt, but can u please answer


shut up freak 😒

Shadow_Gamer1:onichan why,I love you