
Review Detail of Drage_Drangel_1971 in The Saint’s Dungeon Business

Detalle de revisión


The novel is more or less like any other (r-18) isekai that focuses on the erotic, but doesn't leave behind in its story and world background. The novel (pretty sure) is base a lot on the s*x since it's main focused is around that, for story and part of world background build. Though s*x is the base of it it doesn't over throw on its story. The story to say the least is a decent hurdle the first few chapters (1- 10 to 15) where interesting but also bit intriguing. It does improve later on as the story continues. The story itself is portray and built closely with an rpg game like feel, and even though it is told on a day by day bases with some having time skip it written well and balance where its a good novel. The world background is known little by little as it is reveal as the story progresses. Its not horrible much less lacking in its background of the world, which is erotic but interestingly fun to read about, as the world view on things are mostly base on s*x and adventure. Character aside that something I rather not write about as it's up to the readers to decide if they like them or not. The novel is quiet the read that at least reading up to the minimum 100 of its chapter before deciding.

The Saint’s Dungeon Business


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