
Review Detail of SnoopS in I am a Scarecrow and the Demon Lord of Terror!

Detalle de revisión


This is such a niche book, the MC is true evil and lots of gore. This is fine if that's is only the downside but there is so much more. First, the plot is so fast-paced, the MC grows too fast, and his enemy all stupid and dies easily. Second, the plot armor is so blatant, like how easy and lucky the MC avoid death because some super OP enemy has a thing to do and give task hunting MC to his/her colleague, which essentially power leveling the MC by feeding the MC his/her colleague's lives. Third. the MC system, power, and world plot are very vague even though the MC already begin to become somewhat a powerhouse in his area, so we still can't gauge how strong the humans, the MC, the anomaly, or anything. Fourth, the MC is only evil and have no personality either than killing, and since almost all his enemy always died in few chapters, we can't see anything interesting about their character growth or building. Basically, this novel only upside is the gore and killing, but no substance, with minimal world-building, character-building, and simple plot. At first, I don't understand why people rate this novel so highly at 4,5+, but then I remember that sociopaths and psychopaths all have zero to minimal emotion or empathy and like to see those gore and blood. Since this novel has no story to relate to or character to sympathize with, this is somewhat a perfect novel for those types of people, who just want to read the gore without substance or story. That is why I said this is a niche novel, good for a psycho who wants to vent their imagination because they cant do it in real life. Because hey there is a lot of psychos out there who abide by society and they need something to vent right? Rather than start hurting others, maybe this novel can become their venting outlet. For any normal reader who especially likes a story, this is such a trash novel.

I am a Scarecrow and the Demon Lord of Terror!

Laughter and Joy

Le gusta a personas 16

me gusta



Killing is good if matched properly but after 40 episodes, it sucks and become boring. If he sets it to terror, the author should have stick to it but didn't also, it is indeed fast paced and became too strong after a few chapters.