
Review Detail of TYErannical in Magic Era: My Cells Can Evolve

Detalle de revisión


As more and more of these novels come out i can't help but notice the blatant unoriginallity of them all. I won't delve deeper in my criticisms for the writing, only leaving with the observation that it is very fast pace and bland. What i will however file my full complaint with is the TERRIBLE characters. For one they are not portrayed as humans, merely npcs that, after explaining something or merely being there to expunge some word count, dissapear and are rarely if ever characterized or brought up again. This lazy negative aspect is no better portrayed then when these novels describe the main character. Sloppily throwing out vague descriptions with no interesting details. You see it in every one of these novels, "he's hadsome". As if there wasn't any more apparent way of showing that you really didn't care and only wrote this to get a paycheck. Every character is a formulaic redundancy so predictable that i can accurately foretell what they're going to say. This is a grave novel sin. A novel is supposed to give its reader a sort of mystery, in that it reveals its content in unpredictable ways. keeping the readers attention and interest in tandem. You can't do this very well when every other story is a copy of every other story, it's like taking the same bus to work every day, after a while the trip becomes tedious. In conclusion this story isn't a bad story, fiver years ago.

Magic Era: My Cells Can Evolve

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please ignore typos wrote this while tipsy