
Review Detail of CaptainChaos0301 in DELETED...

Detalle de revisión


Good plot and all but your grammar pisses the fuck out of me. I want to re-edit this book for you. I suggest you get better at your grammar. You failed first grade English class and you call yourself a great writer. really though... you def are shameless as fuck. Use one tense and stick with it, changing it up midway just confuses the readers, and you automatically lose readers. Correct tense makes it more readable. The only reason I kept reading is that I wanted to cringe at your "pro-level" writing. My sis who just started to learn English can do better grammar than you. Anyways, Good luck I guess, I know you'll need it. LoL okay, bye sucker. (also don't try sending hate. I'm telling the truth and this guy, my "bro" told me to leave a review, how harsh it may be. And no, don't act as if you're a fan person. Ik that you're faking it bc you don't wanna offend anyone)



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We are friends. not friend. im trying to take you seriously but your grammar doesn’t help.

GodlyN:Here i thought we are friend, your not taking me seriously do you?

What a motivational speech you got there, i really don't want to offend anyone - you are dead right there. Yeah. it's saddening that my grammar sucks, but well i can improve it anyway. It's not like i will stuck in it forever, thanks for the heartfelt review. and i didn't remember when did i say im a great writer, please enlighten me. i just say i have an awesome story to tell. Thank you for the bombshell review you drop though it's breaking my hearts and a little disheartened, well it's life and i understand.


About the fan person thing, i really like your story. I just express my opinion there, don't know how it become like that to you. I didn't even say im a fan, i just say i will read it to satisfy my curiosity about the powerful protagonist you have there. Seeing you can write a good novel that I express my willingness to give you my work and review it, just wanting a suggestions and criticism to improve it.


I flex my own work to you cause i thought we have the same novel that have a blackened character in it, didn't thought it would come to this. This is the first time that i flex my own work to be recognized by the writer of the novel that i admired a little. Really unexpected to me, I guess im way too straightforward then.


Here i thought we are friend, your not taking me seriously do you?


Im telling you this so you can improve-

GodlyN:What a motivational speech you got there, i really don't want to offend anyone - you are dead right there. Yeah. it's saddening that my grammar sucks, but well i can improve it anyway. It's not like i will stuck in it forever, thanks for the heartfelt review. and i didn't remember when did i say im a great writer, please enlighten me. i just say i have an awesome story to tell. Thank you for the bombshell review you drop though it's breaking my hearts and a little disheartened, well it's life and i understand.

I like your story’s plot but im just dt saying you need to work on your grammar.

GodlyN:I flex my own work to you cause i thought we have the same novel that have a blackened character in it, didn't thought it would come to this. This is the first time that i flex my own work to be recognized by the writer of the novel that i admired a little. Really unexpected to me, I guess im way too straightforward then.

I am telling this to not start a war in the comments. I will read the entire novel when you improve, looking forward to that, bro.

GodlyN:About the fan person thing, i really like your story. I just express my opinion there, don't know how it become like that to you. I didn't even say im a fan, i just say i will read it to satisfy my curiosity about the powerful protagonist you have there. Seeing you can write a good novel that I express my willingness to give you my work and review it, just wanting a suggestions and criticism to improve it.