
Review Detail of Raptor2244 in Kurama in the multiverse:character system

Detalle de revisión


The grammar is pretty decent, there are some mixed up pronouns but it's not a big deal. The idea is pretty praiseworthy and unique. I also like how the Mc is OP. I've always liked an MC that is powerful enough to pretty much do whatever he wants. So as long as they aren't stupid or boring, or crazy psychopaths I like OP MC. However the character development is pretty terrible. You have a modern person, presumably, fusing with kurama soul and getting a system. Since their souls fuse and they share emotions like the story says, there is no way the Mc can be a super nice guy with naive dreams of equality right? Wrong, apparently the being made up of a soul that knows everything about Canon and the soul and power of an ancient creature that's been unjustly enslaved by humans for a century and used as a weapon of war, wants to prove that he is not a monster and prove that he's an equal to the humans. This is annoying and a little sad that you gave them this kind of complex where they feel the need to prove themselves to everyone around them like naruto did, like a child that was abused by their parents still trying to seek approval from them even as adults. But some of the biju take it a step further and want to willingly enslave themselves to their village to prove that they are equals and that they aren't monsters. I feel like I'm reading about a bunch of abused wives saying that it's their own fault their husband's hit them. Just for this it went from 4.5-3 and that's only cause the rest of the story is alright and because I don't want this review to be taken as a one star hate review. Of course this can only be counted as my own opinion and if you don't see anything I said as a problem then you should give it a read. Despite what I said it's not a bad novel, it's just not of Interest to me after that.

Kurama in the multiverse:character system


Le gusta a personas 17

me gusta

Dont forget that fact that he was struggling to fight his brother. While in the cannon 50% kurama was bitch slapping his siblings like nothing now 100% can’t even do shit. What’s this.

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