
Review Detail of Webnovel_Bot69 in I Can Cultivate With One Click

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When I called my ex 3 years ago my ex replied to me that she was taking a shower. She said she had finished taking a shower and she would call me back. This is already 3 years ago and she still hasn't called me yet. I think she's definitely not finished showering.

I Can Cultivate With One Click

Financial Overlord

Le gusta a personas 237

me gusta



RIGHT!!! There's even a novel where they said that the people of that small country is owned by them and is slaves!

Kentaro_Ken_6052:do you know how china bullied small countries and claimed their island despite small country winning the rights to claim from the tribunal courts and says that it's just A WASTE PAPER??? They're just ignoring the anger of those small countries just because they're weak...

Who should tell him?


She must have drowned.


not me

labrat1:Who should tell him?

I.... can't actually feel sorry for you as I've always been single and don't know how it feels to break up.


arghhhh.........Guess I have to say it. Your ex ghosted you

ThePassiveReader:not me

She gave you the green hat didnt she?


Your girlfriend went:


few of the readers choose to read fantasy genre to avoid racism and discrimination BUT THESE CHINESE AUTHORS still can't get out of the loop called EARTH AND THE REALITY or the contemporary situation in our world that even in the world of imagination like novels, they still use JAPAN AND OTHER COUNTRIES ESPECIALLY THE USA to be the antagonist of their novels!.. what a big disappointment when you expect something good in the sense that the mc has an excellent system but these brainwashed authors ruined your expectations. THEIR BRAINS HAVE NOTHING BUT THE DESIRE TO BE THE NUMBER ONE IN THE WORLD!!!


The fault doesn't lie with the authors, it lies with the websites and the country. Websites like Qidian and the rest promote stories that contain nationalism. Many stories were dropped and cancelled because they spoke about a secret organization (it doesn't matter if it actually exists or not.) Many others have had to drop their stories because of this, most of them are doing this for income. If they can't get popularity for their books, they have no food to put on the table, so instead of remaining nameless the choose this method of "Nationalism" to promote their books. I hope this resolves some of your hatred and frustration.

Kentaro_Ken_6052:few of the readers choose to read fantasy genre to avoid racism and discrimination BUT THESE CHINESE AUTHORS still can't get out of the loop called EARTH AND THE REALITY or the contemporary situation in our world that even in the world of imagination like novels, they still use JAPAN AND OTHER COUNTRIES ESPECIALLY THE USA to be the antagonist of their novels!.. what a big disappointment when you expect something good in the sense that the mc has an excellent system but these brainwashed authors ruined your expectations. THEIR BRAINS HAVE NOTHING BUT THE DESIRE TO BE THE NUMBER ONE IN THE WORLD!!!

As Readers of fantasy novel, especially originating from other parts of the world, why is it that you take their idealism, propaganda and nationalism so seriously? Treat it as part of the fantasy story. Further more everyone country protray strong nationalistic ideas, The USA does the same thing, considering that the US sees itself as the world police but it commit so many atrocities in the world, Its no surprise for other parts of the world to view the US in a less than positive light. So to keep it fair lets stop talking about authors who are nationalistic, because be it china, the USA or any other major country in the worl…its something they practice and preach, a large part of the reason we are so divided even as the world gets more global where you can easily read the literature of other countries thousands of miles away.


you guys should watch Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God.. it doesn't talk about politics or real world much and personally speaking I'm waiting for I 2nd season I had finished reading it it will give it 8/10 stars.. now adays fantasy novel if they talk about this country vs that country I just stop reading them no mattar how good it is.. I think instead of country vs country in fantasy world you can have many kingdom vs empire vs sect vs cult or other names will be better [img=recommend]


nice one there! that's what I am talking about in order to avoid distraction and spoil of our fantasy feelings, mood, and imagination. we choose fantasy to escape from reality not to dwell upon the strongest, dominant or the most powerful country. that's all!

MyLovely:you guys should watch Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God.. it doesn't talk about politics or real world much and personally speaking I'm waiting for I 2nd season I had finished reading it it will give it 8/10 stars.. now adays fantasy novel if they talk about this country vs that country I just stop reading them no mattar how good it is.. I think instead of country vs country in fantasy world you can have many kingdom vs empire vs sect vs cult or other names will be better [img=recommend]

yo chill😑 everyone has ambition and I like to imagine myself as the protag too, so does everyone else

Kentaro_Ken_6052:few of the readers choose to read fantasy genre to avoid racism and discrimination BUT THESE CHINESE AUTHORS still can't get out of the loop called EARTH AND THE REALITY or the contemporary situation in our world that even in the world of imagination like novels, they still use JAPAN AND OTHER COUNTRIES ESPECIALLY THE USA to be the antagonist of their novels!.. what a big disappointment when you expect something good in the sense that the mc has an excellent system but these brainwashed authors ruined your expectations. THEIR BRAINS HAVE NOTHING BUT THE DESIRE TO BE THE NUMBER ONE IN THE WORLD!!!


Bullet_Author1:I.... can't actually feel sorry for you as I've always been single and don't know how it feels to break up.

I mean at least the hatred against japan is ya know just a little teeny tiny bit justified : /

Kentaro_Ken_6052:few of the readers choose to read fantasy genre to avoid racism and discrimination BUT THESE CHINESE AUTHORS still can't get out of the loop called EARTH AND THE REALITY or the contemporary situation in our world that even in the world of imagination like novels, they still use JAPAN AND OTHER COUNTRIES ESPECIALLY THE USA to be the antagonist of their novels!.. what a big disappointment when you expect something good in the sense that the mc has an excellent system but these brainwashed authors ruined your expectations. THEIR BRAINS HAVE NOTHING BUT THE DESIRE TO BE THE NUMBER ONE IN THE WORLD!!!

That's the only novel in which i read more than 2700 chapters .BUT as much as the author is creative in story he does not show any character building at all.

MyLovely:you guys should watch Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God.. it doesn't talk about politics or real world much and personally speaking I'm waiting for I 2nd season I had finished reading it it will give it 8/10 stars.. now adays fantasy novel if they talk about this country vs that country I just stop reading them no mattar how good it is.. I think instead of country vs country in fantasy world you can have many kingdom vs empire vs sect vs cult or other names will be better [img=recommend]


ooo_2113:I mean at least the hatred against japan is ya know just a little teeny tiny bit justified : /

No she is just living in the shower

Anonymoose_Dum:arghhhh.........Guess I have to say it. Your ex ghosted you

But the US Is always the greater evil

Kentaro_Ken_6052:few of the readers choose to read fantasy genre to avoid racism and discrimination BUT THESE CHINESE AUTHORS still can't get out of the loop called EARTH AND THE REALITY or the contemporary situation in our world that even in the world of imagination like novels, they still use JAPAN AND OTHER COUNTRIES ESPECIALLY THE USA to be the antagonist of their novels!.. what a big disappointment when you expect something good in the sense that the mc has an excellent system but these brainwashed authors ruined your expectations. THEIR BRAINS HAVE NOTHING BUT THE DESIRE TO BE THE NUMBER ONE IN THE WORLD!!!

do you know about China's reeducate camp or those thousands of people being abducted, brainwashed, deprived of their rights, culture, freedom, and sent into forced labors???

Amataratsul:But the US Is always the greater evil