
Review Detail of Thejes_Pramod_0890 in Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon[COMPLETE]

Detalle de revisión


Story and the characters in this novel was horrible to me . Character growth of mc is almost zero Mc is too op and story is like rainbow ans sushine when mc could have been killed many times but because of dumb plot nothing happen to them Mc friend and family should have been in more danger and be killed for associating with but just nothing much happens . In my opinion if you want some wholesome novel with mc facing no danger then this novel is for you

Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon[COMPLETE]


Le gusta a personas 12

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Hmm i get the feeling i know what kind of person you are. So try this one over 900+ chp: https://comrademao.com/novel/hogwarts-bloodline-wizard/ MC at the end 1v1 Vold/Grinvald As for more IQ+: Harry Potter and the Temporal Beacon Short(70chp) but very well writen concept of time magic HP+Herimione(if i remember corectly)

BeastMaster64:just gave a quick read to the book you recommended and as I expected, it is horrible it has an mc that doesn't have a backbone at all and doesn't interfere with the plot and obviously he has to fight Slytherin because why wouldn't he, he is also a reincarnate born with a cheat to help him learn spells easy but he never uses them outside of basic use.

And maybe you should read the tags and what's written in the start of 1st Chapter before raging here. This novel is exactly what I told it's going to be. It was you who was in a delusion. I warned everyone that it's not some fast paced action novel. And if you're talking about large scale fights and something bad happening, that's what the most recent arc is about.


Autor is relly toxic. He flamed my comment as well. I agree with this comment 100% characters in this novel are limited by authors age and that don't develop. Very childish mindset od all side and main characters. If u look for fun HP funfic then there is new one on web novel: Harry Potter: A certain Hogwarts professor of magic (TL)


bruh learn to spell before trying to call this masterpiece bad

Vistarion:Autor is relly toxic. He flamed my comment as well. I agree with this comment 100% characters in this novel are limited by authors age and that don't develop. Very childish mindset od all side and main characters. If u look for fun HP funfic then there is new one on web novel: Harry Potter: A certain Hogwarts professor of magic (TL)

just gave a quick read to the book you recommended and as I expected, it is horrible it has an mc that doesn't have a backbone at all and doesn't interfere with the plot and obviously he has to fight Slytherin because why wouldn't he, he is also a reincarnate born with a cheat to help him learn spells easy but he never uses them outside of basic use.

Vistarion:Autor is relly toxic. He flamed my comment as well. I agree with this comment 100% characters in this novel are limited by authors age and that don't develop. Very childish mindset od all side and main characters. If u look for fun HP funfic then there is new one on web novel: Harry Potter: A certain Hogwarts professor of magic (TL)

Love authors on proxy accounts commenting. Just stop...

BeastMaster64:bruh learn to spell before trying to call this masterpiece bad

Bruh I wish, I’m not the author I just like the fanfic

Vistarion:Love authors on proxy accounts commenting. Just stop...

I don't like translations because they all have the same style.

Vistarion:Autor is relly toxic. He flamed my comment as well. I agree with this comment 100% characters in this novel are limited by authors age and that don't develop. Very childish mindset od all side and main characters. If u look for fun HP funfic then there is new one on web novel: Harry Potter: A certain Hogwarts professor of magic (TL)

English is my 3rd language. I read books here to improve my skills. From what I can see you are English speaking so I really don't know why you are reading fantasy fiction in your 1 language. I would say you're wasting your time.

BeastMaster64:bruh learn to spell before trying to call this masterpiece bad

first of all, English is my second language and second of all i read because i enjoy it

Vistarion:English is my 3rd language. I read books here to improve my skills. From what I can see you are English speaking so I really don't know why you are reading fantasy fiction in your 1 language. I would say you're wasting your time.


Vistarion:Autor is relly toxic. He flamed my comment as well. I agree with this comment 100% characters in this novel are limited by authors age and that don't develop. Very childish mindset od all side and main characters. If u look for fun HP funfic then there is new one on web novel: Harry Potter: A certain Hogwarts professor of magic (TL)



Lol authors reply made me not read this

Vistarion:Autor is relly toxic. He flamed my comment as well. I agree with this comment 100% characters in this novel are limited by authors age and that don't develop. Very childish mindset od all side and main characters. If u look for fun HP funfic then there is new one on web novel: Harry Potter: A certain Hogwarts professor of magic (TL)

Hi, I'm writing an HP Fanfaction, it would help me a lot if you read it and comment what you think, you can find it on my profile or look for it as: Harry Potter: Narnia and the World Hidden in a Closet.


Hello dear reader, I am a writer in process. In this comment, he invited you to read my novel: "Harry Potter: Narnia and the World Hidden in a Closet." You can find the novel in my profile, it is not necessary to know much about Narnia to be interested in the novel. I would be very excited to grow and reach more people with this little-read novel.