
Review Detail of MoistJuicyLemon in Imposter System

Detalle de revisión


Aside from the REALLY inaccurate biology, this is a pretty good read. I have a BS in Human Bio, so when I read the biology parts I got extremely frustrated. But once I got into the flow of not taking the biology seriously, it's a pretty nice read to spend your time. The new system of morals in this future is a pretty interesting take, and the mystery/action scenes are well-made and immersive. If you don't have a biology background, I think you will find this a pretty good sci-fi book.

Imposter System


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oh would you look at that, little pussyfooter actually realized that there was somebody calling him, ooh, what you gonna do pussyfooter? Call me the n-word again, when I'm not even black? Ooh, so scary~

9Satan:You're still begging for my attention? I've long forgotten about you, but I see you've still been hounding my profile like some rabid dog. Yikes.

Of course a lowly female can't help but brag about her degree everywhere she goes, and yet this slu xt had the nerve to call me narcissistic. Hypocritical as well, no surprise there, haha!


I used Narcissism in its definition of obsession over physical appearance. I source the credibility of my arguments through my degree. I'm definitely not perfect, but at least I don't obsess over something as shallow as physical appearance.

9Satan:Of course a lowly female can't help but brag about her degree everywhere she goes, and yet this slu xt had the nerve to call me narcissistic. Hypocritical as well, no surprise there, haha!

Appealing to education? Logical fallacy, didn't they teach you that in your Gender Studies and Liberal Arts class? Hahaha!

MoistJuicyLemon:I used Narcissism in its definition of obsession over physical appearance. I source the credibility of my arguments through my degree. I'm definitely not perfect, but at least I don't obsess over something as shallow as physical appearance.

Wow. The level of snark and passive aggressiveness you manage to cram into a single post is surprising to say the least. I'm willing to bet 20, no THIRTY $$ you have a reddit account.

El contenido ha sido desbloqueado

Is the only thing you can think about money? Oh, I should have guessed that, you are a female after all. Go find your paypiggie on reddit, I'm not interested.

El contenido ha sido desbloqueado

You should really stop sending death threats, personal attacks, and using vulgar words. Not only did you insult me and many others, but you also insulted the people who run this platform which surprisingly I actually didn't expect. Your comments were deleted for a reason and you should reflect on why they were deleted. What you are doing is not mature. I must also admit that half the fault lies on my part as I failed to realize the depths you would go and de-escalate the situation. But you should learn that personal attacks and sexual insults are not mature and never a good argument.

9Satan:Is the only thing you can think about money? Oh, I should have guessed that, you are a female after all. Go find your paypiggie on reddit, I'm not interested.

As I promised. I've begun to delete my comments that are irrelevant to this book since some of his comments have already been deleted. I'll delete the rest once qidan deletes the rest of this guy's harassments.


Hahaha this female deleted all her comments, definitely embarrassed right now. Wouldn't be surprised if you're considering sui cide after the linguistic slaughter you just faced. Do the world a favor!

MoistJuicyLemon:I used Narcissism in its definition of obsession over physical appearance. I source the credibility of my arguments through my degree. I'm definitely not perfect, but at least I don't obsess over something as shallow as physical appearance.

You're still not learning, are you? Did you not read? I didn't want to pollute this book's review section with the mess created by your immaturity of using vulgarity, personal attacks, and discrimination. Hence why I deleted my own comments and Webnovel deleted yours. Do yourself a favor and grow up kid.

9Satan:Hahaha this female deleted all her comments, definitely embarrassed right now. Wouldn't be surprised if you're considering sui cide after the linguistic slaughter you just faced. Do the world a favor!

"🤓*Snort snort* Grow up kid *snort snort*🤓" Female moment. I guarantee the author of whatever dog sh x it novel this is will take my side. A female should NEVER stand up to a man. Learn your place.

MoistJuicyLemon:You're still not learning, are you? Did you not read? I didn't want to pollute this book's review section with the mess created by your immaturity of using vulgarity, personal attacks, and discrimination. Hence why I deleted my own comments and Webnovel deleted yours. Do yourself a favor and grow up kid.

What makes you think that your potty mouth is in any way shape or form respectable? What makes you think that being able to recite vulgar discriminatory words for every letter of the alphabet makes you seem intelligent? There is nothing respectable or intelligent about the behavior you are showcasing right now. If your mother were to see this comment of yours right now, do you think she would be proud? Do you think your negativity will ever make you a happy person? This is my last reply to you. Whether you take my advice or not, I will leave it at that. But using terrible language and holding onto this discriminatory attitude will not help you in life. Be it in school, employment, or with your family and friends. If you keep talking bad about others, in the future the only people around you will be those who talk bad about you. You should try to fix this attitude of yours before it becomes a habit and part of your personality.

9Satan:"🤓*Snort snort* Grow up kid *snort snort*🤓" Female moment. I guarantee the author of whatever dog sh x it novel this is will take my side. A female should NEVER stand up to a man. Learn your place.

🤓Wrote an entire essay🤓 hahaha. I didn't read a single word of your frothing vitriol, female. You wouldn't be so uppity if you had a proper man that treated you like a proper man should; with a backhand to the FACE. Kneel down and put that mouth of yours to better use.

MoistJuicyLemon:What makes you think that your potty mouth is in any way shape or form respectable? What makes you think that being able to recite vulgar discriminatory words for every letter of the alphabet makes you seem intelligent? There is nothing respectable or intelligent about the behavior you are showcasing right now. If your mother were to see this comment of yours right now, do you think she would be proud? Do you think your negativity will ever make you a happy person? This is my last reply to you. Whether you take my advice or not, I will leave it at that. But using terrible language and holding onto this discriminatory attitude will not help you in life. Be it in school, employment, or with your family and friends. If you keep talking bad about others, in the future the only people around you will be those who talk bad about you. You should try to fix this attitude of yours before it becomes a habit and part of your personality.


9Satan:🤓Wrote an entire essay🤓 hahaha. I didn't read a single word of your frothing vitriol, female. You wouldn't be so uppity if you had a proper man that treated you like a proper man should; with a backhand to the FACE. Kneel down and put that mouth of yours to better use.


9Satan:"🤓*Snort snort* Grow up kid *snort snort*🤓" Female moment. I guarantee the author of whatever dog sh x it novel this is will take my side. A female should NEVER stand up to a man. Learn your place.


9Satan:Hahaha this female deleted all her comments, definitely embarrassed right now. Wouldn't be surprised if you're considering sui cide after the linguistic slaughter you just faced. Do the world a favor!


9Satan:Is the only thing you can think about money? Oh, I should have guessed that, you are a female after all. Go find your paypiggie on reddit, I'm not interested.


9Satan:Wow. The level of snark and passive aggressiveness you manage to cram into a single post is surprising to say the least. I'm willing to bet 20, no THIRTY $$ you have a reddit account.

You sound like you are hella skinny and got bullied at school a lot or really over weight and are upset about no girt liking you, either way I'm sure you haven't seen the sun for a while, on your way out try touching some grass

9Satan:🤓Wrote an entire essay🤓 hahaha. I didn't read a single word of your frothing vitriol, female. You wouldn't be so uppity if you had a proper man that treated you like a proper man should; with a backhand to the FACE. Kneel down and put that mouth of yours to better use.

That was the most cringe thing I ever read. I don't know what's more pathetic, the fact that you wrote out that twitter word vomit or the fact that you liked it, but I sincerely hope you're being ironic. How pathetic, unfortunately no matter how many girls you defend online, none of them will like you. ;(. Does that make you upset?

NexIzich:You sound like you are hella skinny and got bullied at school a lot or really over weight and are upset about no girt liking you, either way I'm sure you haven't seen the sun for a while, on your way out try touching some grass

Well you just looked like a prime target so I had to comment to you, seeing how fun you are online and I need some entertainment, and who cares about anyone else anyways. Now if you will, keep barking like a dog

9Satan:That was the most cringe thing I ever read. I don't know what's more pathetic, the fact that you wrote out that twitter word vomit or the fact that you liked it, but I sincerely hope you're being ironic. How pathetic, unfortunately no matter how many girls you defend online, none of them will like you. ;(. Does that make you upset?