
Review Detail of Bloodmoot in Starting With A Space Battleship

Detalle de revisión


Dropped at chapter 70. Writing quality becomes horrendous after chapter 40. Gender pronouns constantly messed up. Names translated several different ways so you never know who is talking. Sentences occasionally being complete nonsense. Paragraphs will occasionally miss punctuation entirely. So you dont know if someone is talking or thinking. It's just confusing and hard to read. Not to mention zero information is given on world back ground. That includes the game world. then there is the newbie characters able to get equipment/mechs that one shot God like beings. I really tried but it is very hard to enjoy in its current state. Needs an editor desperately. Then maybe a chapter or two added to the beginning dedicated to building the real world and game world. Maybe the MC history.

Starting With A Space Battleship

Silence Doesn't Mean Low-Key

Le gusta a personas 9

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you are correct about the translation mistakes. they can get very frustrating. I actually made my way all the way through to the final chapter and overall it was a pretty good book you just have to be able to figure out the many mishaps in the translation. ended up being a pretty good book in my opinion not counting the translation problems if you can bear with it you will probably end up enjoying it