
Review Detail of Luminous_Arcadian in A Possessive Mafia Leader

Detalle de revisión


It has a good plotline, and it's already completed, so it won't hitch the accumulated reading time. The characters were okay, but I'm not particularly hooked with their characterizations. The writing style focuses more on 'telling' than 'showing'. It's my personal opinion, but I think that adding more details would make it better, especially describing it more would build up the world background. However, the lack of details to descriptions was making it confusing at times, especially during a conversation that usually summed the entirety of the chapters. There are also a handful of grammatical, typographical, and punctuation errors that need to be revised and edited. Even if the story was successfully conveyed to the readers, I haven't had a clue that it would be best to work on those issues because I believe that this story could be better. No offense meant to the author, and I wish you the best of luck!

A Possessive Mafia Leader


Le gusta a personas 1

me gusta



Thank you, dear. I’ll consider your suggestion and fix it.