
Review Detail of Fortheloveofbooks in Let's Stay Lonely Together

Detalle de revisión


hi guys! I'm the author☺️. I just want to thank you all for taking your precious time to read this work in progress. I am truly grateful because I really never imagined having our people read my work😂. I've always thought they were lame but some of you have proved me wrong 😗❤️. NOTE: I WILL BE EDITING AND IMPROVING THE CHAPTERS! I've already done 1-3 so I'll ensure to improve the rest as fast as I can so that the story becomes better and somewhat mature. SORRY ABOUT THE TERRIBLE UPDATING SCHEDULE!😭😭 I am a university student and I have two jobs to support myself. I have very little free time and I have to study so writing is more or less of an afterthought. However I will prioritize it and update as fast as I can. QUESTIONS ARE MORE THAN WELCOME! Don't feel shy with me😂 I enjoy interactions so please talk to me so that I know what you think about my book. Comment! Comment! Comment!🥺 I enjoy reading comments. I've typed so much now and some of you probably haven't read at all but it's okay☺️ I still love you. Thanks again for the reads and Please feel free to vote, comment and gift.😊✌️

Let's Stay Lonely Together


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