
Review Detail of Mental in Dropped lol

Detalle de revisión


So, everything was certain (supposed) about his life, from his university to his retiring age and death, but somehow his sexual orientation/behavior is magically uncertain and you have to be defensive about it. man, i mean woman, ah i meant xx, xy or cancer, SJW, PC and all the other bs related, ruined every damnable thing in this damn age.

Dropped lol


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Oh, really? Huge apologies then! I thought, that since this was a review, this was supposed to be a criticism haha!

Mental:Dude, I never criticized your story, i only commented on the way the Synopsis was worded.

First, of course I’m going to be defensive about it, I mean, It’s my story xD? Second, I was just explaining things, never have I ever intended to come about ‘defensive’ and I apologize if I did haha. Third, the Devil forfeited his control over Elkend’s destiny/whatever governs his life the moment he threw him into another world, and even if he could control Elkend’s destiny, he wouldn’t since that would ruin the whole point of throwing him into another world with his memories intact. And last but not least, thank you for the criticism! It’s really appreciated! Don’t worry, I’m going to be paying more attention to the plot holes from now on! (And yes, I’m a male if you were asking.)


Dude, I never criticized your story, i only commented on the way the Synopsis was worded.

Ephode:First, of course I’m going to be defensive about it, I mean, It’s my story xD? Second, I was just explaining things, never have I ever intended to come about ‘defensive’ and I apologize if I did haha. Third, the Devil forfeited his control over Elkend’s destiny/whatever governs his life the moment he threw him into another world, and even if he could control Elkend’s destiny, he wouldn’t since that would ruin the whole point of throwing him into another world with his memories intact. And last but not least, thank you for the criticism! It’s really appreciated! Don’t worry, I’m going to be paying more attention to the plot holes from now on! (And yes, I’m a male if you were asking.)