
Review Detail of SorrowfulLove in Broo

Detalle de revisión


Hey hey hey, new author-kun... I will encourage you, so don't mind if someday there would be somebody and anybody that'll curse you because of your work, relax and keep it up, all of us started writing from nothing so, meh, it's ok to have a lil'bit of mistake for your first piece even if it is your second, third, or fourth piece, at least you could grow. For this yup new author-kun you indeed have some umm grammar errors and lacking on detailed information, well it's ok just take note of those and if you have time think about your mistakes and lacks and review all of your previous works so that the next step that you would take, you could held your head up high and say "I've grown", well keep a good job new author-kun. --TheEyesWithinTheVoid



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Really Thanks For Your Feedback, it will really help me to improve my work and also my thinking and i will work hard to Improve my grammar with some apk.