
Review Detail of ValkoWolf in Onichi the Phoenix

Detalle de revisión


It's good but I dont understand the God didn't want to deal with him and made the mc go away but it was never mentioned what 2 wishes he was given besides Phoenix force

Onichi the Phoenix


Liked it!

me gusta



I just rechecked the first chapter and realized I accidentally copied and pasted an old draft from my google docs. It is similar to the chapter I released but it was not the chapter that was supposed to be released for chapter 1. Sorry for the confusion if you look back it is fixed


all good I'll look at it now

Stevemeh:I just rechecked the first chapter and realized I accidentally copied and pasted an old draft from my google docs. It is similar to the chapter I released but it was not the chapter that was supposed to be released for chapter 1. Sorry for the confusion if you look back it is fixed

just read it... just say it's much better than before so essentially he got three things he merged with the Phoenix force, got cursed with eternal life (can he just never die or does he die an come back after a cool down period not sure the extents of your curse) and got a fictionnal dimensional spaceship

Stevemeh:I just rechecked the first chapter and realized I accidentally copied and pasted an old draft from my google docs. It is similar to the chapter I released but it was not the chapter that was supposed to be released for chapter 1. Sorry for the confusion if you look back it is fixed

i didn't explain the extent of the curse on purpose it will be explained as the story continues. Thanks again for letting me know about the first chapter you were a big help.

ValkoWolf:just read it... just say it's much better than before so essentially he got three things he merged with the Phoenix force, got cursed with eternal life (can he just never die or does he die an come back after a cool down period not sure the extents of your curse) and got a fictionnal dimensional spaceship