
Review Detail of Wowbear in Hell's Heavenly Intervention

Detalle de revisión


- Writing Quality: Very Good. Good use of metaphors, awesome vocabulary. Tone and Mood are on point most of the time. Dialogue is a little stilted, but since most of it's been formal dialogue, it's totally fine. - Characters: Ok. There are too many of them introduced in the first and second chapter, I couldn't quite keep track of them all. - World Background: Good. I can understand pretty well the worlds of the Gods and Demons and Mortals. I like that there are multiple God realms and multiple Demon realms. I hope we'll get to see more of them in the next chapters. - Plot: Very interesting, from what I can tell. It's pretty confusing at times what the stakes are or what the characters' goals are (all pretty important info) but I know the most basic information, which is enough to keep me reading for now. - Additional Notes: - The author's use of similies is very good. They compare a battlefield to a lake of blood, and a small moment of joy in a dark time to yin and yang. - The author switches character POVs between chapters and doesn't indicate whose POV we're in at all, which is extremely confusing. - The author doesn't start a new paragraph when a new character starts speaking, which is also extremely confusing.

Hell's Heavenly Intervention

Shi Li

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