
Review Detail of Dcelano in The witcher : An other story

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The witcher world is good on is own why you have to bring in the japanese in on this is like a weeb thing? To have every thing japanese? Is really lame and the story is hard to read.

The witcher : An other story


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If you want to know it all, well ... Yeah, I love anime, but I didn't write this fan-fic for that reason. In fact, I had finished witcher 3 with the end where the nilfgaard wins and I was wondering: "Wait, now the nilfgaard has won ... what are the next steps? Then the dlc Heart of stone came with Ophir" A new country therefore a new conquest for the Nilfgaard! Then I imagined what it would look like? Then I wanted to create a story, but I said to myself: "Ophir is a continent like the nilfgaard, the temeria and the others. So if I create another continent with another witcher, the reverse of geralt. A witcher who needs a reason, unlike Geralt, to participate in war. Then I said to myself, the revenge! Like geralt, he became a witcher without his consent but hey it was seen and seen again so I said to myself an orphan hmm ... no. What if his future has been changed because of an event! why not ? So that's how I started my story. For the written part, well I can only agree. In fact the problem is, that I started my story without learning, let's say, "writing a book" how to make your story more beautiful, choose the right words, make the reader feel what the protagonist feels like. So that's why... I'm going to rewrite the story ! By adding more words, but! Take away more details and try to make the story more enjoyable. So, sorry again for that, (besides English is not my native language but that's not an excuse) I'm working to rewrite up to chap 9, that's why the chapters are longer to arrived. In addition, I think that there will be more these 9 chapters, but less. So, on that note, thank you because your comments make me think, and force me to improve my "mastery of words". And do not worry, there will not be only Japan (jiyu), because even if I love this country, what made the charm of the witcher was its share of country, therefore of religion, tradition, weapon and government. It's just to lay the groundwork, to explain why Daichi has to explore new lands like Ophir. On that note, thank you for your feedback! 👍😊👍


it's actually not a bad idea if the store was easier to read I'd be fine with it. cuz you could say there's another continent and she came over