
Review Detail of Vassitri in Elite Mages' Academy

Detalle de revisión


I found this and didn't read the reviews unfortunately. the novel seemed well written and engaging for the first 650 chapters, but the author ends the book VERY abruptly at 714. not worth investing time or money into considering it leaves nearly every part of the story with loose ends.

Elite Mages' Academy

The Final Fool

Le gusta a personas 2

me gusta



spoiler, he closes the space time tunnel, yata yata, earth moves on without magic and is separated from the other world, what a waste... but who knows this could be some genius end for a sequal that takes place in the foriegn world.

GrandGuardian:Was the story finished or unfinished? Man I'm at 614, and I just remembered there's only 714 chapters. I highly doubt there'd be enough chapters to cover everything

Was the story finished or unfinished? Man I'm at 614, and I just remembered there's only 714 chapters. I highly doubt there'd be enough chapters to cover everything


sorry for a super slow reply, the story "finished" but it was a hack ending with every loose ending you could imagine. it's not worth the read in the slightest

GrandGuardian:Was the story finished or unfinished? Man I'm at 614, and I just remembered there's only 714 chapters. I highly doubt there'd be enough chapters to cover everything