
Review Detail of Reighlyyy in Earth's Greatest Magus

Detalle de revisión


This story had a lot of potential. Unfortunately it was ruined by several reasons. In order of importance from my point of view:-writing quality: poor grammar, wrong expression, badly structured sentence. Those are points that made the reading extremely difficult.-characters: they are overall not bad, most secondary character are flat and too numerous, I would prefer less character but more developed. Second is the MC, he's not bad I just dislike him, I think he's really not interesting and he's really slow. I have nothing against that it's just that following the story of someone who's not that bright is not what I'm looking for. Fortunately some characters are better but come on, the MC is weak and slow-witted with poor estim. Not endearing- the world building is good but the story is honestly a bit flat but then again it's only my opinion.Overall it's not a bad story if you like historical settings with fantasy bits. The universe is really interesting if you can ignore the English mistakes and like the MC. I can't do either so I'll pass but overall the story deserves a chance so try it and make your own opinion

Earth's Greatest Magus


Le gusta a personas 3

me gusta



may i ask what chapter you read untill?


45, the last of the free chapters

Avan:may i ask what chapter you read untill?

Probably should remove this review, although I don’t like this novel anymore, giving a review off of chapter 45 is…..more than a bit disingenuous

Reighlyyy:45, the last of the free chapters

I’m up to date bro and the MC is still an idiot, to the point where he only gets dumber. I’ve dropped and picked the novel back up many times for mainly the side characters and world setting. He never gets better, you made the right decision by not getting too invested in this novel.


It would be if the MC ever changed, but he doesn’t at all so in fact this review is extremely accurate.

DaoistArbore:Probably should remove this review, although I don’t like this novel anymore, giving a review off of chapter 45 is…..more than a bit disingenuous