
Review Detail of Blindmonkeey in The Archaic Dragon Mage

Detalle de revisión


new reader and curious why many novels similar in genre or style have to begin with setting up the most pathetic & arduous of beginnings? is this a competition on who can create the most abject difficulty for the protagonist? Can a person be considered interesting or successful only IF they have faced such impossible circumstances? sometimes it seems like the only actual antagonist to the mc is the horrendous beginnings. anyway just a few questions I'd been curious about.


The Archaic Dragon Mage


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honestly I did it because it meant I didn't have to create parents that would miss their child going through shit and not caring. I have shitty parents. I don't like to write about shitty parents. It's easier just to not have parental characters to think about. ones that would miss their child becoming a completely different species.

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