
Review Detail of Hikik0m0ri in Naruto: Tales of Sages and Aliens

Detalle de revisión


Author, I am sincerely delighted with your idea to write fan fiction on two rather complex worlds, and even more so to mix them together, I was also incredibly interested in the topic of Konoha 11 and the fact that you chose a rather interesting character in the form of a male version of Sakura, I have read almost all the works for a long time on this site, and I'm incredibly happy with your fanfiction because it gave me back that feeling when I just started reading fanfiction and novels, the feeling of anticipation for the next chapter, after reading the first chapter, I can not sit still now. For now, I will leave only such a comment, since this work has too few chapters, in most cases if I write a comment on the work I try to bring the maximum number of pros and cons (sometimes unpleasant moments happen, and I left a comment without proper explanation of the work, some comments until now they make me feel a certain amount of shame, but since I have already written them I will not delete them), so when this fanfic comes out with more chapters, I will write a commentary with an analysis of the positive and negative sides, at least I will try, but for now I will look forward to the sequel, and hope you don't quit writing this fanfic. P.S. All of the above is just my point of view.

Naruto: Tales of Sages and Aliens


Le gusta a personas 7

me gusta



I can’t even begin to explain how much your support meant to me. Thank you for your beautiful message. For this is exactly what kind of reaction I’ve been wanting to cause. I know you might have spent a lot of time measuring out the perfect comment that describes your perspective and I feel blessed to have such a thoughtful reader. Where would I even be without readers like you? Thanks again for taking the time to share your thoughts with me, it really means a lot. I know I‘ve might be repenting myself at this point... but I want you to know, that despite all my grammatical errors, this comment is me really trying to show my gratitude. Hope I can count on you for my future chapters, I will not disappoint! 😎 Please be safe!


Anything written in a complete sentence, let along a digestible paragraph, is better than the copypasted reviews that shout "harem" or "exp" to kingdom come. Thx bro.


I agree completely 😉👍

NP_3228:Anything written in a complete sentence, let along a digestible paragraph, is better than the copypasted reviews that shout "harem" or "exp" to kingdom come. Thx bro.