
Review Detail of ImmortalAutarch in The Rise Of The Sovereign Sun

Detalle de revisión


The novel has a very interesting world setting. The planet has its own will . It bestows powers on all individuals when coming of age to fight external threats . Ofc this does not mean every individual have the opportunity to make use of them. You have the privileged and the disadvantaged. Many don't have the proper background to make use of their gift . Some are simply killed for various reasons . Either way , it emulates the status of our real world. The will of the planet doesn't care whether someone is being unjustly treated or not as long as they don't cross the boundaries it has set. At the same time it pays special attention to unique individuals who show promise in helping it defend itself and also those who seem dangerous. The MC is from the wasteland(a terrible place to live where warlords rule the place) but has a chance encounter with a mage who takes him in due to something unique the mage sees in him. The MC is given the opportunity to visit the empire which rarely anyone from the wasteland gets to do . MC also gets the constant attention of the will of the planet . The empire is where the real story begins and it is for sure an exciting one when add in his interactions with the will of the planet . So be sure to check the novel out!! I am sure you won't regret it!

The Rise Of The Sovereign Sun


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