
Review Detail of BRPever in Restarting Life In Another World

Detalle de revisión


I have made the writing as easy to understand and error-free as possible, but if there are any errors, you can let me know and I will fix it. I will publish at least 3 chapters every week. I can publish more if I have more free time from work. I am a student + worker but I will do the best I can :) The story development will be fast in the first volume since it is more focused on building the plot for the future story. But there will be steady development focusing on the world and the characters from the second volume. I know some people like a long descriptive start... But really, I think it would be too boring if the story without making much progress at the start. The harem: Yes, the pieces are coming together. The character background: No, even in a fantasy world everyone doesn't have a dark past, and 'I will create a revolution and change the country' like goal... Some may have such background though :P Isekai: You may find it like every other isekai if you only read the first few chapters... There are twists in the later chapters. I am a The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy fan so some reference may be used from there. (eg. the world is a program).... :D But there aren't many sci-fi elements here and No gaming elements. I hope you enjoy the book. Even if you don't, thanks for giving it a try... You guys are awesome :) So long and thanks for all the fish!!!

Restarting Life In Another World


Le gusta a personas 42

me gusta



Hey. Just thought I'd let you know someone has stolen and published your novel on Amazon. https://***.amazon.com/dp/B08K3JV95P/ You can submit a copyright claim to get it taken down. You just click the button on the bottom of that linked page to get started. Best wishes, ramon


Can you reupload all chapters I put the fanfic in my library to read and it said chapter one deleted and I try others they say they are deleted and so I remove it from library and put it back it still say deleted. So can you reupload everything.


Hello there, I have tried updating the first chapter can you check? I will ask if someone knows what's going on.

Tatsuya_Yotsuba:Can you reupload all chapters I put the fanfic in my library to read and it said chapter one deleted and I try others they say they are deleted and so I remove it from library and put it back it still say deleted. So can you reupload everything.

Also if you guys are interested I have a discord server now... Join the long journey ;) Link: https://discord.gg/NChfKfz


Thanks it was working now.


Also, if you are looking for something too serious to read, you may not like this. Because this story is for fun.


Hi author... It's a good story but it's not very pleasing to read... I mean it's creative and imaginitive. It's a cool story and easy to understand, but sometimes it's too easy to understand like a kid's book which is not very pleasing to read... I'm just telling all this so you'll get better and give a better experience reading this book for all of us... It needs to resemble a novel more than it is right now. I'm sure you are trying to get better, and I think you should start working on this first! Thanks for the chapters, pretty cool book and all the best


Hi author... It's a good story but it's not very pleasing to read... I mean it's creative and imaginitive. It's a cool story and easy to understand, but sometimes it's too easy to understand like a kid's book which is not very pleasing to read... I'm just telling all this so you'll get better and give a better experience reading this book for all of us... It needs to resemble a novel more than it is right now. I'm sure you are trying to get better, and I think you should start working on this first! Thanks for the chapters, pretty cool book and all the best


Hi author... It's a good story but it's not very pleasing to read... I mean it's creative and imaginitive. It's a cool story and easy to understand, but sometimes it's too easy to understand like a kid's book which is not very pleasing to read... I'm just telling all this so you'll get better and give a better experience reading this book for all of us... It needs to resemble a novel more than it is right now. I'm sure you are trying to get better, and I think you should start working on this first! Thanks for the chapters, pretty cool book and all the best


Yeah, thanks... I have tried using the knowledge and experience that I gained from my initial chapters in the later ones (thanks to all the good comments and suggestions)... And the reflection of my findings here can be seen in my new book RAF (Rising Against Fate)... Thanks for the comment, they will help me improve as I move ahead in the future chapters :)

RAGNAROK_Ravella:Hi author... It's a good story but it's not very pleasing to read... I mean it's creative and imaginitive. It's a cool story and easy to understand, but sometimes it's too easy to understand like a kid's book which is not very pleasing to read... I'm just telling all this so you'll get better and give a better experience reading this book for all of us... It needs to resemble a novel more than it is right now. I'm sure you are trying to get better, and I think you should start working on this first! Thanks for the chapters, pretty cool book and all the best

Have you dropped this series? Hopefully not... Please continue this and if you really did change the way you write I feel like this can become a very enjoyable book for the readers

BRPever:Yeah, thanks... I have tried using the knowledge and experience that I gained from my initial chapters in the later ones (thanks to all the good comments and suggestions)... And the reflection of my findings here can be seen in my new book RAF (Rising Against Fate)... Thanks for the comment, they will help me improve as I move ahead in the future chapters :)

Have you dropped this series? Hopefully not... Please continue this and if you really did change the way you write I feel like this can become a very enjoyable book for the readers

BRPever:Yeah, thanks... I have tried using the knowledge and experience that I gained from my initial chapters in the later ones (thanks to all the good comments and suggestions)... And the reflection of my findings here can be seen in my new book RAF (Rising Against Fate)... Thanks for the comment, they will help me improve as I move ahead in the future chapters :)

No, I haven't... This is the first novel that I really tried, so I will never drop it... It will continue for a long time... I am rewriting some of the initial chapters and I really enjoy doing this novel :)

RAGNAROK_Ravella:Have you dropped this series? Hopefully not... Please continue this and if you really did change the way you write I feel like this can become a very enjoyable book for the readers

Good thanks 😊... I really want to know what happens next.

BRPever:No, I haven't... This is the first novel that I really tried, so I will never drop it... It will continue for a long time... I am rewriting some of the initial chapters and I really enjoy doing this novel :)

may be you should just tone down a little background developing . like kinda leave room for readers to imagine place where they are at just give subtle imformation.


Hmm... I will consider this. Thanks :)

akukit:may be you should just tone down a little background developing . like kinda leave room for readers to imagine place where they are at just give subtle imformation.

I think this book is great. I can’t wait for more chapters.


Restarting life in another world


Thanks for letting me know. I will contact my editors immediately.

feedback:Hey. Just thought I'd let you know someone has stolen and published your novel on Amazon. https://***.amazon.com/dp/B08K3JV95P/ You can submit a copyright claim to get it taken down. You just click the button on the bottom of that linked page to get started. Best wishes, ramon

Hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy up to so long and thanks for all the fish is as far as i got in the books.