
Review Detail of Kei_Takishima_AZ in Hellbound With You

Detalle de revisión


This is a good stories, but the fact that ml is not clean, maybe I read a lot of romance novels and I'm used to it, most romance novel I read were all double clean, and sometimes imagination were so powerful that I feel tensed and draggy, I just imagining ml with other coittish bitch, I feel like my heart broken.and got sympathy for mc .Don't get me wrong this how I addicted to a novel..so my realm reached to the point of obsession...

Hellbound With You


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Author please next time you write a novel make sure that before mc meet the ml, they should be cleaned, I hope you also write novel with strong fl or mc, I mean vests and of course ml should be like the quality of ml in hellbound with you, mysterious, super rich and also a lot of vest and such for fl. Fl and Ml should be double strong..with a lot of vest and of course the mc should be beautiful as fairy in nine heaven.... I'm looking forward for your next novel, to be honest I really like your novel's hellbound with you. Only the ml is not clean..