
Review Detail of Turpz in I Only Love You In The Whole Wide World-

Detalle de revisión


For the first 60 chapters of the novel, you will surely hate the female lead. You will hate her pushover attitude. She is so pathetic! She was taken advantage for so many times, been raped to the point of losing consciousness but still she persist to stay for a very lame excuse of not going to jail. She just cowered in fear after all the verbal and bodily abuses she received. She just allowed herself to be insulted over and over again. She is a masochist! What’s worst? She always abandons her child just to please the abusive male lead who only knows jealousy and revenge. She is the kind of mother who leaves her 3-year old child alone in the care someone else. The Male Lead is a bastard who always resort to raping the female lead as punishment. The sadistic Male Lead is rich and has all the connections but he cannot even have his woman thoroughly investigated to find out the truth shy she left him years ago. A man of such influence would have his answers fast instead of wallowing in self pity. The story is very abusive in nature. What is so romantic about this novel? But in fairness, the Author writes very well.

I Only Love You In The Whole Wide World-

Stupa Demon

Le gusta a personas 7

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Uh another jerk abusive ML, then nah for me,,,, thank you for ur enlightenment


Yo if this is how the story goes then the synopsis is super misleading