
Review Detail of Erosire in One Last Merchant

Detalle de revisión


Shameless author here. It is only right to give myself 5 stars. This is a story about a Merchant class, who manages to bargain with the Aspect of Time (you can guess who that is), to return to the past, before the events that cause the end of the world. It is not really an apocalypse novel, but it is a survival novel. The MC is very overpowered due to three abilities relate to his Merchant class. He still has them despite his class reset to level 1. All three of them are revealed in the prologue. Only two are named, which are "Wealth of Knowledge." and "Power of Money". Chapters are short, however. Might be fairly frequent depending on my mood. Well. Enjoy.

One Last Merchant


Le gusta a personas 13

me gusta



Well your mood must be terrible, it's been over 13 months already 😣


it's a good novel...pretty interesting and exciting story but the chapters are not short but it's below the average...the characters other than MC are still plain and need much development...MC expose the fact that he knows the future for unnecessary people...the plot needs some polishing...the MC is good but you need to refine him more because you made him do unnecessary things as if you experiment with different types of characters design...also you need to make a deep and strong foundation for your story because you are fast-pacing too much...again you need a myriad of different personalities because an (indifferent character - bastard character - muscle head character - cold character - secondary character - weakling character..etc) are not good enough to build an Apocalypse world so I will be more than happy if you make a unique and special personality for the important Characters. finally, thanks for your hard work. wish you success.


Netori ?


is this novel really r-18 and harem ??? it just tags coz till ch110 ntg there of sorts


It is, but it is slow build.

Apocalypse_2ndLife:is this novel really r-18 and harem ??? it just tags coz till ch110 ntg there of sorts

ohhokk then keep it up good sire 0:)

Erosire:It is, but it is slow build.

So you make a story and get like halfway through it then stop working on it?


hey and your story of Naruto and Disney?

Erosire:It is, but it is slow build.

sire when will you continue your novels? every one is read up by me. please continue them.


Do not spend money reading this book, although the author has great ideas, without a Will and determination to see through the novels it just leaves folks frustrated and bitter with the money lost unlocking chapters I have been through this with two other novels and the author never finishes. Appears to be lazy or loose interest very quickly. And leaves some chapters behind premium unlocks. Many good stories left dead. Save your money and time and support authors who actually follow through with what they say they will do.