
Review Detail of slothyhuman in Chronicles Of The Shura Clan

Detalle de revisión


Im genuinely convinced everyone who reviews and comments on these stories are bots. The world development is bad. The author throws at ranks, names and areas without telling us anything about what they mean and if he does the meanings he gives are things you could tell from a educated guess. " its big" "because they're evil and not righteous". I havent gotten far enough to see much character design vecause i stopped at chapter three. But even then it was so bad, it wasnt like they were people or characters, more like the authors inner concersation with himself, and i didnt even mention yet it seems like when the characters do speak its just them talking about how great their sect is. How great their cultivation is, etc. And thats not even the worst part. The grammar is horrendous. The first chapter wasnt bad but was annoying to read. The second chapter was worse but you could still read it. The third chapter however? Just in the first quarter i pointed out around 10+ errors. I gave up at that point bc i would never finish the chapter of i kept going. So im just going to end it here. I wrote this so someone else hopefully doesnt get tricked by the false reviews that say the story is amazing with nothing wrong with it. Knowing webnovel my review might be pushed down so no one sees it or even removed. But to those who do see and read it. If you can stand a horribly written story that seems to be a translation(not sure about it yet) then go for it. If your not, and your like me. You could check it out but i wouldnt reccomend it, unless by the time you read this the author gets a proof reader and someone to fix all the errors that plague the chapters.

Chronicles Of The Shura Clan


Le gusta a personas 34

me gusta



lmao this dude really wrote this whole para after reading only 3 chapters


Ignore mis-pelled words, i wrote this quickly on a phone.


I stopped reading when you said you only read until chapter 3


I stopped at chapter 3 bc i had an anuerism reading the horrible grammar and cliche tropes

Seyol:I stopped reading when you said you only read until chapter 3

At the beginning, the author is basically using that time to describe everything that is essential to the story so when he gets to the real plot, we won’t get confused. I do admit that there was tons of grammars, but people who ignore those and understand what the author is trying to say will not regret reading this novel. The more you read, the more exciting it becomes, especially the time skips.


Aight, i respect that. Mainly wrote this for others like me who cant continue reading stories with bad grammar even if its a good story. And i think its hard for me and others that feel the same way because english is my first language and that makes it nigh impossible to ignore the errors.

PutMyButtInABook:At the beginning, the author is basically using that time to describe everything that is essential to the story so when he gets to the real plot, we won’t get confused. I do admit that there was tons of grammars, but people who ignore those and understand what the author is trying to say will not regret reading this novel. The more you read, the more exciting it becomes, especially the time skips.

Good god yes. There are several stories i know that are good, but the grammar is so atrocious i can't get past the second paragraph.

slothyhuman:Aight, i respect that. Mainly wrote this for others like me who cant continue reading stories with bad grammar even if its a good story. And i think its hard for me and others that feel the same way because english is my first language and that makes it nigh impossible to ignore the errors.

Your review has many grammatical errors even tho thats what you don’t like about the novel not only that but you can’t criticize the novel other than grammatical errors because you only read 3 chapters smh

slothyhuman:Ignore mis-pelled words, i wrote this quickly on a phone.

Forgive me for my grammatical errors. Im not an expert at phone typing. Still doesnt mean i cant point out how no one. And i mean no one pointed out the grammatical errors of thr novel that made it impossible to read. Im not trying tk start a fight or anything. As i stated in my post it was mainly to inform those like me who cant read novels due to grammar. I even said it may have a good story but from what i read, it made it impossible for me to get to that point

HotDanishGuy:Your review has many grammatical errors even tho thats what you don’t like about the novel not only that but you can’t criticize the novel other than grammatical errors because you only read 3 chapters smh

Read your review first half is talking **** about a novel u have barely even read

slothyhuman:Forgive me for my grammatical errors. Im not an expert at phone typing. Still doesnt mean i cant point out how no one. And i mean no one pointed out the grammatical errors of thr novel that made it impossible to read. Im not trying tk start a fight or anything. As i stated in my post it was mainly to inform those like me who cant read novels due to grammar. I even said it may have a good story but from what i read, it made it impossible for me to get to that point

Also who gives a review after 3 chapters fr you can’t make a accurate well written review when you only read 3 chapters

HotDanishGuy:Read your review first half is talking **** about a novel u have barely even read

Read the end of my review where i said go ahead and try it dumb ****

HotDanishGuy:Read your review first half is talking **** about a novel u have barely even read

I wouldn't call myself a bot. 🤷‍♂️


I’ve been raised to not complain “there’s a lot of grammar mistakes” DEAL WITH IT no one is a perfect


Shut the fck up you piece of elephant manure. Critics exist to help the author improve. If you are not happy with the critics , go and drink a rat poison. Its a better drink than water for you. If the book is trash then its trash..who the fck do u think you are. Not everyone born with clogged brain like you. Donald trump wouldve banned such a grammarly broken book. Ima put my dick into your fcken mouth so that you can stfu.

HotDanishGuy:Also who gives a review after 3 chapters fr you can’t make a accurate well written review when you only read 3 chapters

Sounds pretty sugar gay

AimanFaroqq:Shut the fck up you piece of elephant manure. Critics exist to help the author improve. If you are not happy with the critics , go and drink a rat poison. Its a better drink than water for you. If the book is trash then its trash..who the fck do u think you are. Not everyone born with clogged brain like you. Donald trump wouldve banned such a grammarly broken book. Ima put my dick into your fcken mouth so that you can stfu.

You know, I doubt each author ✍️ on Web Novel has an editor on call every day of the week, or when they come up with a new page every second day or so. I will not say a chapter, because the so called chapters are too short from a proper book. They “do not” have a big publishing house which backs them up, either with huge check before the book goes on print or world wide book sales commissions, every six months or so. Still, no matter how much an Author proves reads the book, there is always mistakes.. Thus, here is where the “Professional EDITOR” comes in, they are “NOT” Authors! Plus, reading three pages from any web novel, DOES NOT give you the rights the critizise the book, come back after you have read just over 50 thousand words, then that gives you the rights to write what you think of the novel, not the bloody first page, let alone the thrid. Not to mention, many English words a wrtten completly differnt from the American, thus here we come with asumed mistakes as well. The only Author in the world, whom never needed an editor was Tolkien, this is a proven fact! Yes, I saw written mistakes as well, here and there, but who gives a dam.


you were right about the fake reviews, just look at all those rabid fans


and if the author doesn't find any mistakes, there's a thing such as asking his readers and INTERACTING with them, e.g. a discord server. There are lots of ways to correct the mistakes without a professional proof-reader.

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