
Review Detail of William_Tichenor in The Oracle Paths

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Look I've liked the style of story so far at my current read but dear god, why are you writing 120 chapters for just the 2nd ordeal alone. What is wrong with you. That is literally almost 6 month of him being on a island repeating the same info dump dialogue over and over again for what? You have literally slowed the pace down so much that i think we are almost 1:1 with the stories time pace with reality's think i might grow older than the the characters. For those wondering we are at around 370 for this novel and that is just 100 chapters short of the full length of Second Coming of Gluttony with its full ending. You don't need as many chapters you are writing or you just like fluff.

The Oracle Paths


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If thats the case then where is the story, the meat and focal point of the novel. Is it the ordeals , the oracles or the mystery behind them or is it something else. Because almost 400 chapters later i have no idea what is the supposed to be the main plot but know a good amount about gladiators and jungle people


Thanks for your review. But so what if the Ordeal is long? I mean, even after a big round of editing with every information paragraph removed to the extreme this Ordeal could hardly go below 100 chaps. Going below that would mean removing twists and events to go straight to the point. At this point it wouldn't be the same story anymore and I hate absurdly fast-paced novels. (Almost every Korean webnovel actually, so your example was not that good to convince me). Obviously, I'm going to write in a way I would appreciate reading. Webnovels with similar concepts like Ultimate Evolution did much longer narrative arcs and it wasn't an issue. Even compared to the first Ordeal that was shorter, the pace is actually faster in this Ordeal and many more things happened. Moreover the MC actually grew and improved more during the Second Ordeal itself than all the previous chaps together. It's not as if this Ordeal was disconnected from the main plot. For the next Ordeals, I will probably also stay between this range of 70-120 chaps, and it's not impossible for these Ordeals to be even longer. (or shorter depending on what I planned)


I like the details, it makes the story more vivid and also we let go of our imagination on a much more wider scale.😉

Arkinslize:Thanks for your review. But so what if the Ordeal is long? I mean, even after a big round of editing with every information paragraph removed to the extreme this Ordeal could hardly go below 100 chaps. Going below that would mean removing twists and events to go straight to the point. At this point it wouldn't be the same story anymore and I hate absurdly fast-paced novels. (Almost every Korean webnovel actually, so your example was not that good to convince me). Obviously, I'm going to write in a way I would appreciate reading. Webnovels with similar concepts like Ultimate Evolution did much longer narrative arcs and it wasn't an issue. Even compared to the first Ordeal that was shorter, the pace is actually faster in this Ordeal and many more things happened. Moreover the MC actually grew and improved more during the Second Ordeal itself than all the previous chaps together. It's not as if this Ordeal was disconnected from the main plot. For the next Ordeals, I will probably also stay between this range of 70-120 chaps, and it's not impossible for these Ordeals to be even longer. (or shorter depending on what I planned)

Author is getting lost in the sauce or is drowning in it losing focus of where the story is going. I despise novels that once had a vision and a short term goal for the story in the first 600 chapters, but once they've accomplished that goal and start the next arc for the story where it's feel like the author is loitering about milking the readers. The author is unsure of where he's taking the novel, so the chapters he starts releasing do little to progress the story, for example turning what'd be one chapter into several chapters making those chapters feel like they ended before they started.