
Review Detail of Yggdrasil_ in A Mix of Magic and Science

Detalle de revisión


This book is amazing, keep going!  Can't stop reading. Can't wait to see more. Do you have any social media that I can follow so I can know when you gonna update?

A Mix of Magic and Science


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looks like I forgot I replied... Whatever

Iskandor:I don't really do social media, expect very sporadic updates. I'm more of a reader than a writer. I'm glad I have people who enjoy my work though. Without giving spoilers I have plans for an entire multiverse across novels, I believe I currently have about 20 chapters on other books saved up (this one will be my focus, I want to at least finish the first arc of the other books finished before I publish anything)

I don't really do the whole social media thing, and my updates are almost certainly going to be erratic. I can barely call writing a hobby... I appreciate your review and will try to make more time in my life for writing. Thank you.


I don't really do social media, expect very sporadic updates. I'm more of a reader than a writer. I'm glad I have people who enjoy my work though. Without giving spoilers I have plans for an entire multiverse across novels, I believe I currently have about 20 chapters on other books saved up (this one will be my focus, I want to at least finish the first arc of the other books finished before I publish anything)