
Review Detail of gamly33 in My Fight (Shen Yue SI)

Detalle de revisión


Got to say this story is way better then the original story. Nie Li always took the "it's best to get the best things for me and I'll give some people good bits" this way of doing things always annoyed me no end. for one why take a good thing when you could make a better thing? and two once got the good he may very well throw it away because of a weird reason. three he was always in a rush never perfecting a skill or thing but making it "good enough for now" so the story plot can continue. four Nie Li dose not learn. oh he goes to school's or library's but is so sure to that the four/five topics he know and not need anything else. 😞😞😞🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ in short this story is way better then the original story 🤣🤣🤣

My Fight (Shen Yue SI)


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