
Review Detail of DARKSTAR in Summoner Sovereign

Detalle de revisión


well the story is filled with cliches,not that I mind them.The characters are funny and I was just Getting into the story but the author had to just kill off Alicia and now I want to stop reading yet I can't,I want to see the end of it.

Summoner Sovereign


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Nah, the end isn't anything good, so it's better to just stop reading there. Sorry.


it's better than regreting not knowing what happened in the end

Tomoyuki:Nah, the end isn't anything good, so it's better to just stop reading there. Sorry.

Nothing to regret, I wrote the story and I can tell you for sure you won't miss anything, the ending is awful, you're better off not knowing what happened.

DARKSTAR:it's better than regreting not knowing what happened in the end

well the story is still good currently at chapter 320,if it goes downhill it's never too late quit or maybe then I will just go read the final few chapters to check if it really is that bad..then continue back from where I am currently reading

Tomoyuki:Nothing to regret, I wrote the story and I can tell you for sure you won't miss anything, the ending is awful, you're better off not knowing what happened.

The story isn't good at chapter 320 or any of the chapters. Ask all the other readers, they will swear by the heavens that this is the worst story they have ever read. Just look at the reviews.

DARKSTAR:well the story is still good currently at chapter 320,if it goes downhill it's never too late quit or maybe then I will just go read the final few chapters to check if it really is that bad..then continue back from where I am currently reading

seriously author,reader obviously judge the novel and they will obviously have varying opinions on it and I like it.i don't know if you are trying to be sarcastic or not,but have some confidence

Tomoyuki:The story isn't good at chapter 320 or any of the chapters. Ask all the other readers, they will swear by the heavens that this is the worst story they have ever read. Just look at the reviews.

Uh, have you actually looked at the reviews? There's not even a single positive one.

DARKSTAR:seriously author,reader obviously judge the novel and they will obviously have varying opinions on it and I like it.i don't know if you are trying to be sarcastic or not,but have some confidence

As I said author,I don't care about others reviews,it's not the first time I found a novel having such bad reviews and yet I have liked few of them.Having bad reviews doesn't necessarily mean bad novel for everyone

Tomoyuki:Uh, have you actually looked at the reviews? There's not even a single positive one.

Okay then, thanks. You're probably the only reader who likes this story enough to read it to the end.

DARKSTAR:As I said author,I don't care about others reviews,it's not the first time I found a novel having such bad reviews and yet I have liked few of them.Having bad reviews doesn't necessarily mean bad novel for everyone