
Review Detail of Conquistadore in Profane Prince of Domination

Detalle de revisión


Giving this novel a traditional rating doesn't make sense, so l'Il review this novel for what it actually is:MC: 8/10 (smart and EXTREMELY dissolute)H-18: 7.5/10 (a good balance between the main plot and adultcontent).HAREM: 7/10 (VERY LARGE (16k); best girl Daphne)PLOT: 7/10 (it's interesting in its own way, though there's someplot armor here and there)WORLD BUILDING: 7/10 (good but nothing groundbreaking)RATING: 7.4/10COMMENT: It's a good novel for fans of "dual cultivation," but also for others. There are moments where the levels of NTR (netori) reach extreme levels (422 - 425; 580), and yes, there's NTR and inc*st involved.That being said, I personally recommend this if you have free time.I wouldn't say it's a "hidden gem," but it certainly deserves a chance, because beyond a few chapters here and there that made me wonder what was going on in the author's mind, I quite liked the novel.

Profane Prince of Domination


Le gusta a personas 3

me gusta



The important thing is the result and not the means

Conquistadore:many when they join the harem they do it for different reasons, but what I tell you is that his "little brother" conquers them all in the end. I'm not exaggerating when I say that this novel lives up to its name. there are some things so ridiculous, I wondered what the author was smoking while he wrote those scenes.🤣

Does Mc receive ntr?



Divider_Planetary:Does Mc receive ntr?

Do his wives really love him? Or are they only with him out of obligation or benefits?


many when they join the harem they do it for different reasons, but what I tell you is that his "little brother" conquers them all in the end. I'm not exaggerating when I say that this novel lives up to its name. there are some things so ridiculous, I wondered what the author was smoking while he wrote those scenes.🤣

CHAOS_FOOLISH:Do his wives really love him? Or are they only with him out of obligation or benefits?