
Review Detail of Hentai_Senchou in Ring of Kings

Detalle de revisión


Just remember that the way that the (what I assume is the) antagonist was first introduced in the original fanfic is nothing is going on, everything is normal. Then *Bam, dude killing bandits, eating them as he does it, creepy laugh, then "Yes I am the next demon god inheritor watch out gods." Monologues for no reason and read like the author couldn't think of a way to throw it in but he also thought it was badass. Even though it wasn't really cool, I mean why drop it in from nowhere. Foreshadow you dip. One original character in the whole series, the mc, literally everyone else was a character he took from other stories without even sticking to the characters. Using their appearances but making them act like completely different people. The only character that was done right is silent link and thats saying something. Story didn't develop at all in the last one, 16 or so chapters and the only thing that changed from danmachi was the mc joined hestia and summoned people from different worlds to join her. Which she didnt question AT ALL, even though he summoned people form different worlds in front of a literal GODDESS. Oh and for some reason not announced there were other transmigrators, one just showed up and saw hinata, thats all that was described of her. The other one, well, enjoys monologues about being the demon god. We also didn't even see really anything other than the mc buying abilities from his ring and giving some to haruhime, then train, then summone people, then train, then still don't go in the dungeon. Then get weapons from hephaestus, then end out of nowhere.

Ring of Kings


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