
Review Detail of Vainerd in Please Remember Me

Detalle de revisión


Hey guys. I'm done writing this story. Honestly, It's not really good or that bad to me. I'm just doing this for leisure time and hope you guys who read it till the end had great time as much as I'm making them. Thanks for reading and cherish your time with your love one.

Please Remember Me


Le gusta a personas 1

me gusta



It was a very touching story. I cant tell how many times i cried reading. Its such an emotional story. Infact it happens in real life too which is heart breaking. But also to know that people like adam are in this world make you feel in love and believe in love. You did a great job writing it.


Thank you. I really appreciate it.

sam1995sha:It was a very touching story. I cant tell how many times i cried reading. Its such an emotional story. Infact it happens in real life too which is heart breaking. But also to know that people like adam are in this world make you feel in love and believe in love. You did a great job writing it.

Hey guys. Just telling you I'm making a new novel called "It's too high" Feel free to check it out!