
Review Detail of JPNovelFan in Sovereign of the Karmic System

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Okay so I started reading this based on the positive reviews. I just want to say that it started out okay but at chapter 41 the entire world basically wants to kill or capture the MC and he has to take some pills to mess up everything he has worked for and limit his power to only being able to be used for 1 hour. This is the most stupid plot I’ve ever had to read in my entire life. He has an OP system that lets him drastically reduce the amount of time needed to cultivate (literally stuff that takes a year can be mastered in 5 hours), and unlimited resources to cultivate from 2 masters but he is like “nope I gotta take these two pills before a war between all the kingdoms starts so they can capture me!” It’s so fking stupid. Don’t waste your time like I did. Had to drop at ch41.

Sovereign of the Karmic System


Le gusta a personas 16

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First of all, thanks for the spoiler ... Secondly, it is a "hide so that those who want to capture you won't find you. you are too strong for your age, so take this pill which will help you hide your cultivation." scenario, which is a pretty common scenario, there is no need to make a fuss about it.


You’re welcome. It’s literally something that happens in the first 41 chapters in a novel with 200+. I don’t think it’s disingenuous to inform other people of such a horrid plot device that literally ruins a story at such an early stage. Honestly the situation is so beyond dumb that I can’t believe you kept writing past that point. I understand that you really are passionate about your story and I commend you for keeping it up for so long. It is truly difficult to write a story so honestly I applaud you. However, you are literally forcing the MC to lose what is left of his family and to literally destroy his body and make him only able to fight for 1 hour (what’s he going to have to do to fix such a horrible situation?) in such a circumstance. Also, you upped the scale of conflict to such an unreasonable level with neighboring kingdoms literally starting a war over a character that was literally a pick pocket 20 chapters prior. It’s only the 41st chapter and you wrote such a scene. I think that it’s fine having a local Lord maybe noticing something is more realistic but honestly why’d you write such a scenario that destroys any future fun by hiding the MC instead of just letting him be powerful? Why’d you have to get rid of his freaking family at the 41st chapter to go to some Bs sect we’d never heard about. All you’ve written is that sects are basically evil and yet here she’s being sent off. Honestly I’d rather people know what’s going on when something so drastic happens at the very beginning of a story that changes it for the worst. I would not have read those 41 chapters if I had known you’d write the plot in such a direction. I think you had a gem in your hands with this story but you ultimately crushed it with your own cliched viewpoint. You don’t have to agree with me and I know you won’t since it’s your story, but honestly this review needed to be made so others don’t waste their time like I did.

SometimesITalk:First of all, thanks for the spoiler ... Secondly, it is a "hide so that those who want to capture you won't find you. you are too strong for your age, so take this pill which will help you hide your cultivation." scenario, which is a pretty common scenario, there is no need to make a fuss about it.

I'll tell you what is so flawed about your opinion. You are convinced that things in a story have to happen on a scale based on the character's power. He is at "1" stage, so whatever happens must only involve people with 1 or 2 stage!. That's true for most novels who use the plot to make the character scale up in power, but I prefer to use realism in my novel. When something never seen before happens, the various factions and nations (Which as explained have just come out of war and are not on good terms) will fight for it. That's why the main character was forced to leave and to hide his true abilities. This is your problem ... Your opinion is entirely based on the cliche plot of wuxia novels. I don't accept my "viewpoint" being called cliched by a person whose entire comprehension of web novels is based on "difficulty based on power scale." If that's not enough, you are the most conceited person I have ever received a review from. What makes you think that a detail that you haven't liked has turned a story which you have just barely scraped turn bad? You are an embarrassment for all reviewers, and your opinion is not only flawed, but dirtied by your the disgusting illusion that what you think is the universal standard of quality. I feel proud by the fact that my work was of no interest to someone with a cliched viewpoint like yours.

JPNovelFan:You’re welcome. It’s literally something that happens in the first 41 chapters in a novel with 200+. I don’t think it’s disingenuous to inform other people of such a horrid plot device that literally ruins a story at such an early stage. Honestly the situation is so beyond dumb that I can’t believe you kept writing past that point. I understand that you really are passionate about your story and I commend you for keeping it up for so long. It is truly difficult to write a story so honestly I applaud you. However, you are literally forcing the MC to lose what is left of his family and to literally destroy his body and make him only able to fight for 1 hour (what’s he going to have to do to fix such a horrible situation?) in such a circumstance. Also, you upped the scale of conflict to such an unreasonable level with neighboring kingdoms literally starting a war over a character that was literally a pick pocket 20 chapters prior. It’s only the 41st chapter and you wrote such a scene. I think that it’s fine having a local Lord maybe noticing something is more realistic but honestly why’d you write such a scenario that destroys any future fun by hiding the MC instead of just letting him be powerful? Why’d you have to get rid of his freaking family at the 41st chapter to go to some Bs sect we’d never heard about. All you’ve written is that sects are basically evil and yet here she’s being sent off. Honestly I’d rather people know what’s going on when something so drastic happens at the very beginning of a story that changes it for the worst. I would not have read those 41 chapters if I had known you’d write the plot in such a direction. I think you had a gem in your hands with this story but you ultimately crushed it with your own cliched viewpoint. You don’t have to agree with me and I know you won’t since it’s your story, but honestly this review needed to be made so others don’t waste their time like I did.

Lol goddamn like I said you’re so upset just because of one negative review because you used such a typical cliché. Yes, the story is bad because you ruined it at literally chapter 41. Maybe you shouldn’t get so butt hurt all because of 1 negative review. Good luck with that inflated ego of yours. It’s obvious that you think you can “do no wrong”. It’s not a masterpiece. It’s a pile of crap.

SometimesITalk:I'll tell you what is so flawed about your opinion. You are convinced that things in a story have to happen on a scale based on the character's power. He is at "1" stage, so whatever happens must only involve people with 1 or 2 stage!. That's true for most novels who use the plot to make the character scale up in power, but I prefer to use realism in my novel. When something never seen before happens, the various factions and nations (Which as explained have just come out of war and are not on good terms) will fight for it. That's why the main character was forced to leave and to hide his true abilities. This is your problem ... Your opinion is entirely based on the cliche plot of wuxia novels. I don't accept my "viewpoint" being called cliched by a person whose entire comprehension of web novels is based on "difficulty based on power scale." If that's not enough, you are the most conceited person I have ever received a review from. What makes you think that a detail that you haven't liked has turned a story which you have just barely scraped turn bad? You are an embarrassment for all reviewers, and your opinion is not only flawed, but dirtied by your the disgusting illusion that what you think is the universal standard of quality. I feel proud by the fact that my work was of no interest to someone with a cliched viewpoint like yours.

I have done many things wrong, and I am more than aware that my novel is not a masterpiece. It's my first attempt and I welcome criticism even in the form of negative reviews, but yours was not criticism.. it was whining. "I don't like this, so the novel is bad. I wanted it done like this." I have a right to defend my work from conceited and immature people like you.

JPNovelFan:Lol goddamn like I said you’re so upset just because of one negative review because you used such a typical cliché. Yes, the story is bad because you ruined it at literally chapter 41. Maybe you shouldn’t get so butt hurt all because of 1 negative review. Good luck with that inflated ego of yours. It’s obvious that you think you can “do no wrong”. It’s not a masterpiece. It’s a pile of crap.

Wow what an immature author we have hereee lmao childish af


Wow what an immature author we have hereee lmao childish af


I haven't read the story, just checking out reviews first before I do, but I would hardly call defending your work from someone blatantly attacking you immature. At least he or she was trying to be reasonable and explain their decision. Much better than your ****ty "lmao childish af" peanut gallery bull****.

Hydrosphere:Wow what an immature author we have hereee lmao childish af

Hes attacking the fact that the author had the mc get the pill at all, he doesnt need it, yet the author makes the kid need it just to stir up some big conflict, ur literally no better, sir peanut gallery of the author

BagelWorld3:I haven't read the story, just checking out reviews first before I do, but I would hardly call defending your work from someone blatantly attacking you immature. At least he or she was trying to be reasonable and explain their decision. Much better than your ****ty "lmao childish af" peanut gallery bull****.

everytime i see someone pointing out flaws in your writing, you immediately try to defend yourself like you are omniscient. you donot listen what the other person is trying to say. you discard everything the other person is saying and keep on emphasizing that what you think is always correct. this is what you call accepting others' criticism and reviews...lol... dont make a fool out of yourself... and you even have two or three people with you who in every hate/low star review try to defend you while trashing those commentors... it's all obviuos bro....

SometimesITalk:I have done many things wrong, and I am more than aware that my novel is not a masterpiece. It's my first attempt and I welcome criticism even in the form of negative reviews, but yours was not criticism.. it was whining. "I don't like this, so the novel is bad. I wanted it done like this." I have a right to defend my work from conceited and immature people like you.

Personally insulting your readers over a bad review when they haven't done the same to you is not a good look for an author. They even made it clear that the negative review was about their problem with your book and not yourself as the author, but then you immediately lashed out and made it personal. Your book is your's to write as their opinion is their's to have. There's nothing wrong with defending your book and correcting any misunderstandings a reader may have had about a certain arc or situation. However, to publicly mock and insult someone who took the time out of their day to pick up and take a chance on a new author's book is an incredibly childish form of lashing out and is never okay, no matter how you attempt to dress it up or justify it. If the "shallow" review he wrote makes him an embarrassment to all readers, then that vile character attack you penned down in response makes you an embarrassment to all authors.

SometimesITalk:I'll tell you what is so flawed about your opinion. You are convinced that things in a story have to happen on a scale based on the character's power. He is at "1" stage, so whatever happens must only involve people with 1 or 2 stage!. That's true for most novels who use the plot to make the character scale up in power, but I prefer to use realism in my novel. When something never seen before happens, the various factions and nations (Which as explained have just come out of war and are not on good terms) will fight for it. That's why the main character was forced to leave and to hide his true abilities. This is your problem ... Your opinion is entirely based on the cliche plot of wuxia novels. I don't accept my "viewpoint" being called cliched by a person whose entire comprehension of web novels is based on "difficulty based on power scale." If that's not enough, you are the most conceited person I have ever received a review from. What makes you think that a detail that you haven't liked has turned a story which you have just barely scraped turn bad? You are an embarrassment for all reviewers, and your opinion is not only flawed, but dirtied by your the disgusting illusion that what you think is the universal standard of quality. I feel proud by the fact that my work was of no interest to someone with a cliched viewpoint like yours.