
Review Detail of LastGod in Sovereign of the Karmic System

Detalle de revisión


I love adventure stories so I thought I would get into this one. Boy was I wrong. For the first 3 chapters he spends trying to get a fruit out of a F--ing tree. So I think it can't be like this through the whole novel right? So I check the titles of the chapters. It takes him 6 chapters to get to the city 11 chapter to find out about his sister. I mean you know its bad when not only does he spend 4 or five paragraphs describing the characters face. But he also uses needlessly complicated words like sclera and umbra. Could have just said whites of his eyes and deep brown. All in all the set up looked good but action is no where to be seen in first 3 chapter which does not draw me in and make me want to read more. And its toooo looong winded giving the pace a needlessly slow speed making you fell like your drowning in description.

Sovereign of the Karmic System


Le gusta a personas 30

me gusta



You've read the third chapters, then checked the titles of the others.. found no action, even though the fourth chapter is called "Battle between beasts".. it's a long novel. The description of the main character is important. I can't imagine how little patience you have if in the first 15 minutes of reading you're already sickeded by the lack of action. This is a fantasy, and an adventure novel.. not a game of call of duty.. and liking your own review won't give it more legittimacy.


Defending Your Own Story doesn't give you any legitimacy either. Of course you like it that's your story. Also I never said you were a bad writer but the pace of a story is what draws me in personally and I can tell the pace of the story wasn't going as fast as i would have liked and I didn't see it turning changing anytime soon. And of course I like my own comment just like you're defending your own book and I'm sorry but 3 chapters in this day in age people on the move they don't have time to spend reading books that they finally find out they did not like in the end so the first few chapters will set the tone for the rest of the book.

SometimesITalk:You've read the third chapters, then checked the titles of the others.. found no action, even though the fourth chapter is called "Battle between beasts".. it's a long novel. The description of the main character is important. I can't imagine how little patience you have if in the first 15 minutes of reading you're already sickeded by the lack of action. This is a fantasy, and an adventure novel.. not a game of call of duty.. and liking your own review won't give it more legittimacy.

This is a webnovel, and an adventure at that. What I strongly disagree with is, the legitimacy of a critique which was based on three chapters.. Anybody that has read a book in their lives knows that the first part of the book is made to introduce characters, and present the world setting. If you want to focus on the story, you can also present the end of a specific event, and then go back in time to explain what led to that event. And to be fair, I could have even understood the superficial way of reading that you've described, but your comment was not a real review. It was a complaint. "For the first 3 chapters he did this and not that" - "No action in the first 3 chapters, so I've read the titles.." - "He uses difficult words".. This I am not willing to take it in silence. It might be a "legitimate" review based on your standards of what a novel should be, but if I have to keep it in my page, and have people read it before they even give my book a chance, I have the right to say mine about it, right? My review of your reading ability is that: You don't start a book with an open mind, and are mind is aggressively locked on what you want. You want an adventure that is set on full action from the very first sentence. You want the writing to be easy and comprehensible, and when you run out of patience (very quickly I may add), you skip ahead to find support to your claims, and an excuse to drop the novel. You then make your complain clear, and unnecessarily harshly, despite not having had spent enough time on the work to be able to evaluate it completely. I give your reviewing abilities 1 and a half stars. (note how none of my points are talking specifically about my book.. I'm just assuming based on how you've formulated your entire review.) I am not trying to be offensive or harsh here. I swear I am not.. I truly believe that, with the type of character, you would be better fit in ready comicbooks or watching anime. That will give you adventure, action 24/7, and definitely comprehensible wording. Thank you for your review.

LastGod:Defending Your Own Story doesn't give you any legitimacy either. Of course you like it that's your story. Also I never said you were a bad writer but the pace of a story is what draws me in personally and I can tell the pace of the story wasn't going as fast as i would have liked and I didn't see it turning changing anytime soon. And of course I like my own comment just like you're defending your own book and I'm sorry but 3 chapters in this day in age people on the move they don't have time to spend reading books that they finally find out they did not like in the end so the first few chapters will set the tone for the rest of the book.

You got to have thicker skin some people aren't getting like your book like me they may not like the first few chapters and make a review that's not flattering I was only reviewing your book now you as a person don't take it personally also you should have more of a problem with the other reviews some of them gave your book four five stars but didn't even read your book shouldn't that be the real problem

SometimesITalk:This is a webnovel, and an adventure at that. What I strongly disagree with is, the legitimacy of a critique which was based on three chapters.. Anybody that has read a book in their lives knows that the first part of the book is made to introduce characters, and present the world setting. If you want to focus on the story, you can also present the end of a specific event, and then go back in time to explain what led to that event. And to be fair, I could have even understood the superficial way of reading that you've described, but your comment was not a real review. It was a complaint. "For the first 3 chapters he did this and not that" - "No action in the first 3 chapters, so I've read the titles.." - "He uses difficult words".. This I am not willing to take it in silence. It might be a "legitimate" review based on your standards of what a novel should be, but if I have to keep it in my page, and have people read it before they even give my book a chance, I have the right to say mine about it, right? My review of your reading ability is that: You don't start a book with an open mind, and are mind is aggressively locked on what you want. You want an adventure that is set on full action from the very first sentence. You want the writing to be easy and comprehensible, and when you run out of patience (very quickly I may add), you skip ahead to find support to your claims, and an excuse to drop the novel. You then make your complain clear, and unnecessarily harshly, despite not having had spent enough time on the work to be able to evaluate it completely. I give your reviewing abilities 1 and a half stars. (note how none of my points are talking specifically about my book.. I'm just assuming based on how you've formulated your entire review.) I am not trying to be offensive or harsh here. I swear I am not.. I truly believe that, with the type of character, you would be better fit in ready comicbooks or watching anime. That will give you adventure, action 24/7, and definitely comprehensible wording. Thank you for your review.

I actually will have most of those removed. I was in recommended in both the site and the app.. and that lead my novel to receive almost 100 spam reviews for exp or whatever.. There are also multiple negative ones.. unfortunately. Anyway, yours is one that will stick, because despite I really don't like the way you approach adventure webnovels, I wouldn't remove a thought out review. But since it contributes to lower my score.. for the people who will decide whether to get into my book based on the negative reviews, I have to explain why you can't trust certain reviews. The reason why it irritates me, is that (believe it or not) there are certain factors that will lead people to read or not read a novel. Two of those, are a low rating, and a bad review. I think they are the fourth and sixth factors with the most contribute to it. Yours is one of the few non-spam reviews I can actually try to examine and debate. It's like a yelp review.. food is good, service is good, the place is nice and clean, the music is nice and doesn't disturb.. but here goes a 1 star because the fork was a little dirty.. I'm not really okay with, just like restaurant owners aren't..

LastGod:You got to have thicker skin some people aren't getting like your book like me they may not like the first few chapters and make a review that's not flattering I was only reviewing your book now you as a person don't take it personally also you should have more of a problem with the other reviews some of them gave your book four five stars but didn't even read your book shouldn't that be the real problem

What a crap review from someone who didn't even read the LN.


well. for author, u shouldn't bashing people review!. its bias u know. i read ur novel too. its good. but sometimes people hate it like i hate those cliche romance things. this is my only critics. thanks


well. for author, u shouldn't bashing people review!. its bias u know. i read ur novel too. its good. but sometimes people hate it like i hate those cliche romance things. this is my only critics. thanks


I am sorry author, but did you just say anime? How dare you judge a person’s taste in media type based on a ****ty review?. I like anime and I was just about to start reading your novel, but i guess i will have to make a reconsideration since you just decided to insult approximately 1 billion people for one bad/stupid review while explaining to the reviewer how they should not judge a book by its cover (which is actually good advice) or its first 2 chapters and chapter names; while judging an entire form of media based on the intelligence of one reviewer. Such Hypocrisy


Me: "didn't read light novel" well I guess my opinion is invalid

SorcererCat:What a crap review from someone who didn't even read the LN.

it is just that we have been reading very fast and crappy novels with no good character description that we feel novels like these boring and not good... The fact is this novel is really good.. the fact that author can describe the characters and the environment like we are living in it is exceptionally rare.. i Love this novel.. at first i was like you.. like so long and slow and boring.. but after reading some chapters it is really good.. u should try is again


Man you are missing sooooo much not reading the novel. The author saw that hes(the person in question) not starting the novel with open mind and he accused him of too long descriptions so he just wanted his novel to be like an anime but its a webnovel no graphics and stuff... so the author needs to add character descriptions. Sorry for my bad English.

10thDemon_Sealer:I am sorry author, but did you just say anime? How dare you judge a person’s taste in media type based on a ****ty review?. I like anime and I was just about to start reading your novel, but i guess i will have to make a reconsideration since you just decided to insult approximately 1 billion people for one bad/stupid review while explaining to the reviewer how they should not judge a book by its cover (which is actually good advice) or its first 2 chapters and chapter names; while judging an entire form of media based on the intelligence of one reviewer. Such Hypocrisy

People like you make me sick, giving a book a bad review just because you've read only the first few chapters


The author never said that you can't like both, he just pointed out that anime would be preferable in his case.

10thDemon_Sealer:I am sorry author, but did you just say anime? How dare you judge a person’s taste in media type based on a ****ty review?. I like anime and I was just about to start reading your novel, but i guess i will have to make a reconsideration since you just decided to insult approximately 1 billion people for one bad/stupid review while explaining to the reviewer how they should not judge a book by its cover (which is actually good advice) or its first 2 chapters and chapter names; while judging an entire form of media based on the intelligence of one reviewer. Such Hypocrisy