
Review Detail of DeadEye12 in Naruto System Within Naruto

Detalle de revisión


This story is about a man who brainwashes all the attractive characters in naruto when they are babies into becoming his wives. He is planning to be 40 when he wives up ino, hinata and all the others... i thought maybe if i kept reading this he wouldn't write it so creepily but he already brainwashed mikito and kushina as babies into becoming his wives. There is a 4 year old girl running around screaming that she will be the mc wife and everyone is cheering it on when he already has 3 wives. THIS ENTIRE NOVEL AND AUTHOR AND READERS ARE SICK. Come and comment and try to justify this please, lets see how you try to make it seem like what i just wrote is not happening.

Naruto System Within Naruto


Le gusta a personas 186

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Funny how there are people justifying an author writing a pedo character as " this is fan fic and this is what you should expect" or " If you dont like it dont read it". all i can say to those people is whats the difference between you people who enjoy reading this pedo filth and those who watch it? to me you people are the same kinds of people because you enjoy underage child sexploitation. No reasoing or excuses can justify it.


Nah, dude. There no justifying this. Pedo's are pedo's and thats it. Theres no reason to write how someone is gonna brainwash kids to becoming a simle beasts, that only care to have kids with the mc. They should be put down.


sounds like one of the few good novels out there.


You all need to calm the **** down and get a reality check. You are reading FANFICTION son and if this is the worst thing you ever read then you will be one lucky son of a *****. On a more serious note fanfictions are written by authors for fun they don't make money off of this and so they don't need to justify anything to anybody. If you don't like it **** off and don't read it. Don't try and make this into an ethics problem. Honestly whenever I find people shouting Pedo this Pedo that and morally try and pressure FANFICTION authors and their readers, it makes me remember an old wise saying; whosoever dealt it did thus smelt it.


Ouch someone got offended. To react this strongly really brings up some questions like why are you trying to defend that?

KnightShade420:You all need to calm the **** down and get a reality check. You are reading FANFICTION son and if this is the worst thing you ever read then you will be one lucky son of a *****. On a more serious note fanfictions are written by authors for fun they don't make money off of this and so they don't need to justify anything to anybody. If you don't like it **** off and don't read it. Don't try and make this into an ethics problem. Honestly whenever I find people shouting Pedo this Pedo that and morally try and pressure FANFICTION authors and their readers, it makes me remember an old wise saying; whosoever dealt it did thus smelt it.

Bro, I am tired of authors giving up on writing because people only know how to drag people down not up. Ok, you don't like the story fair enough. That's your opinion, don't read it but to curse and call the author degenerate for writing it is too much. These are free works, once the author leaves I can't do ****. So every time I see a comment like this I feel compelled to defend the author.

DeadEye12:Ouch someone got offended. To react this strongly really brings up some questions like why are you trying to defend that?

Well it does hurt to see the stupidity of people bringing ethics and morals in a fling fanfic. Like you don't like something don't read it. What's the point to write a review just calling everyone pedo

DeadEye12:Ouch someone got offended. To react this strongly really brings up some questions like why are you trying to defend that?

Its not stupid because all literature involves morals and ethics that reflects the authors POV. As a reader, enjoying literature involves some aspect of whether you like the morals of the story. Of course you can still like a novel while not agreeing with its morals but this novel is purely disturbing. He consciously goes to the houses of babies who he says will be attractive when they grow up so he can condition them to like him so he can marry them when they grow up. Of course i haven't read this in a long time and the author could have changed the way he wrote.

creater_of_dao:Well it does hurt to see the stupidity of people bringing ethics and morals in a fling fanfic. Like you don't like something don't read it. What's the point to write a review just calling everyone pedo

Bro you need some help. Do you think author will change his entire story just because you don't like the ethics of story. Cmon u don't like just leave it instead of writing nonsense like that. I like the story you don't that is all there is to it bro. A fantasy has no morals that's why it's a fantasy. So stop calling people pedo and **** over that

DeadEye12:Its not stupid because all literature involves morals and ethics that reflects the authors POV. As a reader, enjoying literature involves some aspect of whether you like the morals of the story. Of course you can still like a novel while not agreeing with its morals but this novel is purely disturbing. He consciously goes to the houses of babies who he says will be attractive when they grow up so he can condition them to like him so he can marry them when they grow up. Of course i haven't read this in a long time and the author could have changed the way he wrote.

I’m not forcing him to change his story, where the fuk are you getting that from?!?! I’m sorry that I find this degrading and morally disgusting. I wrote a review of my opinion so you all can fuk off with your biased crap. I never suppressed anyone’s right to preach but you all are trying to suppress me. So tell me, am I wrong for being upset of a story that is about brainwashing babies so they will become his wives in the future?!?!


Don’t judge another world with your own morals. In Naruto, killing is the norm and brainwashing to be loyal to the village happens all the time. A lot of people probably have done much worse than him and will still be seen as a hero. I respect your opinion but keep in mind this is a fictional world with a different set of rules and morals.

DeadEye12:I’m not forcing him to change his story, where the fuk are you getting that from?!?! I’m sorry that I find this degrading and morally disgusting. I wrote a review of my opinion so you all can fuk off with your biased crap. I never suppressed anyone’s right to preach but you all are trying to suppress me. So tell me, am I wrong for being upset of a story that is about brainwashing babies so they will become his wives in the future?!?!

In fantasy yes. And you're not on one unfortunately. Mc is a creep we agree on it, is the the author also a creep? That's the question.

creater_of_dao:Bro you need some help. Do you think author will change his entire story just because you don't like the ethics of story. Cmon u don't like just leave it instead of writing nonsense like that. I like the story you don't that is all there is to it bro. A fantasy has no morals that's why it's a fantasy. So stop calling people pedo and **** over that

The problem is that this story sounds like one of those self-insert, wish-fulfillment stories where the author inserts himself because he wants to smash all the hot girls. Which is exactly what this story is, lmfao. I personally find both the author and the main character repulsive and disgusting. It's one thing to be dark and evil, (a thing I'm totally into reading) however it's an entirely separate thing to be scum. And this main character's actions based on what everyone's saying immediately has him labeled as complete scum. Even if the author isn't like his MC (Which I genuinely doubt) he's still fucking disgusting for writing this. Also DeadEye's review wards off those who wouldn't want to read something so disturbing, so I'm personally very happy he put it there. I have no idea why everyone's trying to defend this author. I understand that authors write questionable things sometimes, and I enjoy some of those questionable things. However, child rape and brainwashing definitely isn't one of them. Author's who write things like that get massive amounts of hate and I honestly wouldn't have it any other way. Now personally I don't really insult any characters or authors unless they do something stupid or the writing is just bad. However, If my issue with the story is morals and ethics, I'll just leave without a word. Though I might start leaving reviews with warnings for other readers to not read if they can't handle it. I usually just keep what I'm thinking (If we're still talking morals) In my head. I can't imagine an author writing something like what this author wrote and actually receiving positive attention and feedback. All of the people there would be on the FBI's watchlist though lmao.


though I don't care about the review but that the reviewer is doubling down on this shit is annoyed ...if you don't like a story ,then just drop it or put a review and then drop it ,but don't try to act like a beacon of goodwill and insult others ...readers would be pedophile (only if they have tendencies to wank off to this shit or something ) only by reading this stuff? don't accuse someone of being a criminal will nilly .... pedophilia ment if they are attracted to kids not of they are reading some shitty fanfic , it's just a cringy story not the child p@#n you dumbass...


still pedo

KnightShade420:You all need to calm the **** down and get a reality check. You are reading FANFICTION son and if this is the worst thing you ever read then you will be one lucky son of a *****. On a more serious note fanfictions are written by authors for fun they don't make money off of this and so they don't need to justify anything to anybody. If you don't like it **** off and don't read it. Don't try and make this into an ethics problem. Honestly whenever I find people shouting Pedo this Pedo that and morally try and pressure FANFICTION authors and their readers, it makes me remember an old wise saying; whosoever dealt it did thus smelt it.

haven't f read it but......hope the story is as good as the comments on this review


It is very disturbing to read as not only his parents everyone around him is supporting this. I don't know maybe even when he becomes an old man he will still hunt for hot-girls , and the timeline is already messed up him making Kushina , and Mikoto into his future wives.........even though Mikoto was a baby at that time. And in the Ninja world there is killing and stuff, but it's a totally different thing when we have a Mc who just goes around conquering hot girls across the globe because he just feels like it. Don't say that it's just a fanfic and fantasy , it's still not right.....nobody said killing and other stuff was okay it's still wrong even if you were a Ninjas.


what you said is true.i was literally confused reading the comments.people are acting like pedo things are fine just because this is just a wish fullfilment.seriously reading the comments made me feel sick.like how can even some one read this.that just how degraded people are.

Picking_Daisies:Funny how there are people justifying an author writing a pedo character as " this is fan fic and this is what you should expect" or " If you dont like it dont read it". all i can say to those people is whats the difference between you people who enjoy reading this pedo filth and those who watch it? to me you people are the same kinds of people because you enjoy underage child sexploitation. No reasoing or excuses can justify it.

murdering and child abuse are totally two different things.. i didn't know you were Kishimoto. setting rules for naruto verse lol... even if it's a fantasy world, promoting such a world is a crime.. it helps to make criminals and promote criminal mindset.. cant you understand something so normal??

haakuman:Don’t judge another world with your own morals. In Naruto, killing is the norm and brainwashing to be loyal to the village happens all the time. A lot of people probably have done much worse than him and will still be seen as a hero. I respect your opinion but keep in mind this is a fictional world with a different set of rules and morals.

Wow too many pedo