
Review Detail of FangMing in Abyss Domination

Detalle de revisión


For new readers who don't know, this novel translates into GravityTales until chapter 96 TOTALLY FREE! Webnovel seriously ... If I am personally going to read and pay for the chapters (not the 96 that are already free and here they are charging) instead of chapter 97 onwards, before that I will not pay anything. I feel sorry for GravityTales because the chapters chapters are a copy and paste of their translation and I feel disgusted with Webnovel, not for stopping the translation of the novel in GravityTales but for taking someone else's work to copy their work and paste it disgustingly while it is free elsewhere, they will charge for those chapters (5 or 6 SS minimum) You know, go to GravityTales, read until Chapter 96 for free and, if you like it, continue from 97 onwards, I don't think there is a reason to do so since they had at least a week to translate Chapter 97 into less

Abyss Domination

Eminent Student Of Buddha

Le gusta a personas 153

me gusta




Ryan_Baroni:did the author droped?

Bunch of greedy bastards, I tell you


Yeah.....in agreement


They own gravity tales and have for ages. Not that I like QI, but they didn’t steal anything.


They have Gravitytales for centuries? You are crazy my friend? Qidian has neither now nor before had Gravitytales, if it is as you say then: Why are they not closing the website since they are not updating any of their novels, much less entering new ones? Unless you think a website is free ... You were in the Gravitytales Discored? Because I do and never (before qidian bought the rights to the novels not from the site) I heard that they were / will be a branch of Webnovel (Qidian) so I don't know why you say that ... If they bought the rights to the novel So from a certain point of view they didn't "steal" anything, but do you know that this translation is exactly the same as GravityTales? Do you know that in Gravitytales its 96 current chapters are free? So if you bought the rights to a novel and instead of at least a minimum translate an extra chapter, example 97 and pay it and the others for free BECAUSE THE 96 FREE CHAPTERS ARE IN GRAVITYTALES you go copies and paste and combine ... Nice. And no, buying the rights to translate does not mean that gravity has to erase what is already on its page, but that it takes away gravity's right to publish more chapters of that novel. And if you did not know (if I remember correctly) this novel in your home country is paid, so the gravity boys bought the 96 chapters that are on their page.

Xerus:They own gravity tales and have for ages. Not that I like QI, but they didn’t steal anything.

And for ever I never said they stole, just mention that the "work" done by GravityTales was copied and pasted here. Gravity is not the AbyssDomination publisher, so copying and pasting the GravityTales translation that was free and paid for it, for me at least it's disgusting.

Xerus:They own gravity tales and have for ages. Not that I like QI, but they didn’t steal anything.



I find it interesting that your profile only shows 1 comment made (which is the same one I am responding to) only have two badges, a nick like that without a profile picture and to top it off that you have a year since you created the account ... Very interesting indeed.


That is actually interesting, and btw is QIDIAN truly not related to GravityTakes? I donn’t understand much about these things so I’m just going off what I’m hearing.

FangMing:I find it interesting that your profile only shows 1 comment made (which is the same one I am responding to) only have two badges, a nick like that without a profile picture and to top it off that you have a year since you created the account ... Very interesting indeed.

Webnovel owns GT and has for years. 5 minutes with Google would tell you that.


Read Guan Zhong's message, well, all of them and look at the published date ... If Qidian had owned GravityTales for a long time because that debate still exists in 2018? Also just look what they say: Link https://forum.novelupdates.com/threads/webnovel-com-co-opting-gravity-tales-again.71908/ This was written by a GT translator only 2 years or less (2017) clarifying about some things, at no time he said that GT belongs to Qidian (Webnovel) if they had no cooperation agreements (because Webnovel was "claiming" rights over some novels that GT and was translating) the cooperation was obviously to avoid legal penalties for work NOT REMUNERATED (at least directly as gace webnovel) Link: http://gravitytales.com/page/shuras-wrath/voltaireresponse

UnnervedFrog:That is actually interesting, and btw is QIDIAN truly not related to GravityTakes? I donn’t understand much about these things so I’m just going off what I’m hearing.

For what? To know in those 5 minutes that Qidian (webnovel) still discussed agreements with GT?

Xerus:Webnovel owns GT and has for years. 5 minutes with Google would tell you that.

I also come back and say. If you have a website (GT) with Korean and Chinese novels, why do you have to have another website with only Chinese novels? (webnovel) Also if you go to GravityTales and you see the first chapter of AbyssDomination, it was published in 2016 now here on webnovel is published in 2019, of course I am sure they tell me "they have to buy the rights" in that case Qidian was "translating illegally "Some novels (clarification GT is since 2015 or less active) because some people in this comment have told me that Qidian bought GT" centuries ago. " I return and I place what is the need to maintain the web domain of GT? Web page domains are not free and GT has not closed its servers / web domains, I just stop translating. Why? it is not weird? If they say that Qidian bought GT that is crazier than Qidian blatantly stealing other people's already made translations. (It was not the first time and they even had problems with Wuxianworld and that page is completely legal in their translations) the problems were because Qidian claimed the rights to some novels that WuxianWorld got behind with the contracts, but the problem was that Qidian even took the translated chapters copied and pasted them as if nothing.

UnnervedFrog:That is actually interesting, and btw is QIDIAN truly not related to GravityTakes? I donn’t understand much about these things so I’m just going off what I’m hearing.

I also come back and say. If you have a website (GT) with Korean and Chinese novels, why do you have to have another website with only Chinese novels? (webnovel) Also if you go to GravityTales and you see the first chapter of AbyssDomination, it was published in 2016 now here on webnovel is published in 2019, of course I am sure they tell me "they have to buy the rights" in that case Qidian was "translating illegally "Some novels (clarification GT is since 2015 or less active) because some people in this comment have told me that Qidian bought GT" centuries ago. " I return and I place what is the need to maintain the web domain of GT? Web page domains are not free and GT has not closed its servers / web domains, I just stop translating. Why? it is not weird? If they say that Qidian bought GT that is crazier than Qidian blatantly stealing other people's already made translations. (It was not the first time and they even had problems with Wuxianworld and that page is completely legal in their translations) the problems were because Qidian claimed the rights to some novels that WuxianWorld got behind with the contracts, but the problem was that Qidian even took the translated chapters copied and pasted them as if nothing.

Xerus:They own gravity tales and have for ages. Not that I like QI, but they didn’t steal anything.

And I think you already knew, but on this website a few months ago (if you want to go further) 1 year ago there was no Korean novel .... NOT A SINGLE!

UnnervedFrog:That is actually interesting, and btw is QIDIAN truly not related to GravityTakes? I donn’t understand much about these things so I’m just going off what I’m hearing.

i dont know about gt and webnovel but there is website call flying lines that translate this novel continuing from last gt chapter until chapter 117 and it is Free!!!. go check novelupdate


Many other site copy translation novels for free. Webnovel(qidian) paid. Digusting... Sory Bad englis


Other than this novel , are there other "Translated" novels. Such as I want to be a superstar and I have a mansion in a post apocalyptic world or tha like...? ( Example ) Just curious on how many "Translated " novel does Webnovel have ...

FangMing:And I think you already knew, but on this website a few months ago (if you want to go further) 1 year ago there was no Korean novel .... NOT A SINGLE!

Other than this novel , are there other "Translated" novels. Such as I want to be a superstar and I have a mansion in a post apocalyptic world or tha like...? ( Example ) Just curious on how many "Translated " novel does Webnovel have ...

FangMing:And I think you already knew, but on this website a few months ago (if you want to go further) 1 year ago there was no Korean novel .... NOT A SINGLE!

Other than this novel , are there other "Translated" novels. Such as I want to be a superstar and I have a mansion in a post apocalyptic world or tha like...? ( Example ) Just curious on how many "Translated " novel does Webnovel have ...

FangMing:And I think you already knew, but on this website a few months ago (if you want to go further) 1 year ago there was no Korean novel .... NOT A SINGLE!

dont feel sorry bro. GT is under qidian. like it or not, thats the fact. plus its not like the translator arent getting paid right? sorry for GT? why u should be sorry when GT is under qidian?