
Review Detail of MrPoproly in Heroes- A Highschool DxD Fanfction

Detalle de revisión


It's a pity this fanfic could have been very good but you destroy everything. You are basically following the original evenment but you know that with an op Issei it will not function. like what you did with Asia...... MAN it was so stupid MC could have destroy the exorcist in 1 scd even if he doesn't want to destroy the house it's not like he doesn't know how to control his power, it was so crappy and Rias know how much powerful he is why would she teleport him and with his power how can he get teleported forcefully . How can a op MC who fought many demon and fallen angel can't react when a motherfucking angel escape STUPID. Issei let just whatever is happening before him happen then he is crying. You create so many new thing but you don't want to change the story it's completly destroy the story. And more , it's seems that you have a big probleme with rape really man you should be careful about that thing because most of peaple don't like when the MC's peaple get raped it left a really bad taste in the mouth, who want to follow a guy who can't stop his peaple to get raped. Also the begining of you're story you shouldn't have done this like that it's confusing. So basically this story had a good potential but the author didn't change the original story to match the power a mc and it destroy my will to read it.

Heroes- A Highschool DxD Fanfction


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It's up to you for not wanting to read, Issei had stated time and again, he doesn't go all out neither chases someone who doesn't pose any harm to him, and he was hiding the fact that he was the strongest being, and for his past you will soon know why it was like that...you just judged everything even before I have completed 30% of my novel, if you don't like feel free to drop. Rias teleport him back, because according to that time, involvement with church, how minor may it be could have resulted in a full scale war. and the so 'rape' occurred only once I believe, apart from that...I don't see anything, it's ****** if you don't like feel free to rop, or read carefully why he does the things in the way he does... could have 'defeated' the exorcist, but what if he was holding on to hostages? Which he did... 'Rules of church' no matter how strong you are, you just cannot instantly destroy it. But, if you get what I'm saying, do stick around...you'll see why and how the 'rape' part was important in the role of Yozara's love (spoiler), and first chapters may be boring but they play an important role in the endgame. So, in all honesty its your wish to drop, but if you can...I wish you to stick around.