
Review Detail of Ouroboros001 in Lord of Mysteries

Detalle de revisión


Lampoon times a million. I hate to have to make this review, but no one else is saying this. Either they didn't read it all, look past the flaws, or just didn't feel like it. I need to post this for my sanity. I just read all of volume one. The first half of the novel is actually four stars or so objectively. The biggest negatives with the novel is the protagonist's lack of attachment to the world. He's obsessed with getting back to Earth, but it is never explained why he is. There's no love interest in this novel. For some that's a good thing. For me the fact that there's zero at all is a massive negative for the series. It's another example of his lack of attachment to the world. Normal people seek out relationships like this and like to see at least some minor subplots for it. The whole first half of the novel was reasonably well laid out for some interesting progression despite that, but he's the did... you should stop reading here if you don't want spoilers.... ..... He nukes the whole cast and forces the plot. Further severing the protagonist ties to the world, making it a boring revenge story after, and thus killing this novel for me. I can't read anymore. I'm just disappointed. I won't give a one star because of the first half being so decent in comparison to similar literature out there, but for sure the downturn in quality is obvious after the half way point or so of the first novel. Sigh. . .

Lord of Mysteries

Cuttlefish That Loves Diving

Le gusta a personas 2

me gusta



i guess im a bit late... i will just say that the cast gets fleshed out the further along you go, audrey, alger and some new people come in and get well developed characters. he leaves his family behind to protect them, because of the dangerous life of a beyonder like him. i finished all 1.4k plus chapters, also death isnt all that common, but it goes to show why he left his family when most of his friends end up dead.

Ouroboros001:I'm not reading all that or getting into circular arguments. If you don't agree that's fine. I've said all I need to say.

I'm surprised. I've just finished reading this and was exploring reviews and I see this. The first half of your review first, Yeah about the lampoon uhm i agree it was used way often but it decreased later on xd. Your point of view is very weird. Of course he would feel like he doesn't belong to that world. If you suddenly wake up to fins someone else your mother instead of the one who has been raising you would you just forget about her and accept the new mother? How could he be attached to a world he just got to over earth and his original family. Family ffs there should no more greater ovjective to return. As for the romantic interest. Yeah i agree it acked it a bit but after reading it all romance would've just made the atory awkward and the reason given was that he didn't want to form too deep connections and grow attached to the world making his decision to return waver. Well it was an acceptable reason. Onto the second half of your review. Where have your read till? 200-300? What do you mean by he nuked the whole main cast? What's your point? I wart to know more before I say aomething that might spoil you or something else.


Really weird? No. You can just say you don't agree, but you also didn't understand or didn't read what I said for most of my review. I didn't talk about how he felt he didn't belong. I talked about my and the protagonist attachment or raison d'être for wanting to leave was basically non existent. That he severed ties with his family when he didn't have to made me just drop. The deaths after old Neil didn't help either. His death was beautifully written, but I could tell from the other deaths that would be a downward trend. I'm sorry you don't get that, but it doesn't make it weird.

ILoveChaos:I'm surprised. I've just finished reading this and was exploring reviews and I see this. The first half of your review first, Yeah about the lampoon uhm i agree it was used way often but it decreased later on xd. Your point of view is very weird. Of course he would feel like he doesn't belong to that world. If you suddenly wake up to fins someone else your mother instead of the one who has been raising you would you just forget about her and accept the new mother? How could he be attached to a world he just got to over earth and his original family. Family ffs there should no more greater ovjective to return. As for the romantic interest. Yeah i agree it acked it a bit but after reading it all romance would've just made the atory awkward and the reason given was that he didn't want to form too deep connections and grow attached to the world making his decision to return waver. Well it was an acceptable reason. Onto the second half of your review. Where have your read till? 200-300? What do you mean by he nuked the whole main cast? What's your point? I wart to know more before I say aomething that might spoil you or something else.

I'll clarify what I meant. "Your point of view is weird from my point of view." And I still abide by it because you've clearly written "The protagonist has no attachement for the world and never explained why." Well I guess that's how you view it. Though I would say your missing out on an amazing novel but I guess everyone has their own tastes. Though I'm still confused regarding why you dropped but you don't need to explain. Bye👋

Ouroboros001:Really weird? No. You can just say you don't agree, but you also didn't understand or didn't read what I said for most of my review. I didn't talk about how he felt he didn't belong. I talked about my and the protagonist attachment or raison d'être for wanting to leave was basically non existent. That he severed ties with his family when he didn't have to made me just drop. The deaths after old Neil didn't help either. His death was beautifully written, but I could tell from the other deaths that would be a downward trend. I'm sorry you don't get that, but it doesn't make it weird.

You only read the first volume and already passed judgment on the whole story? I'm sorry but that is just irresponsible. Not to mention that you are mostly wrong. I will agree that "lampoon" is probably overused but the rest is just wrong. Author doesn't explain MCs obsession to return? Why would he need to? That is purely natural human instinct. If the MC wanted to stay then you would need to have a reason and a very strong reason at that. And love interest? In a world of horror and mystery why would anyone have that as their priority when you can die without even knowing how, so she can kill him or be used against him in other ways? Not to mention that the entire plot from chapter 1 to chapter 1324 is only 3 years time in book, how would he have the time for a girlfriend. On your next point, ties to the world, MC is already very attached to the world which can be seen from his meddling with evil gods and saving the people he can save, not to mention the friends he finds later. Does only family mean ties to the world? Next is "boring revenge story", what do you mean boring? This is easily one of the greatest revenge stories ever written. MC is not some lunatic that goes head first for his target and is protected by plot armor, but plans and schemes how to get stronger, how to find his target and how to trap him without letting him know he is alive all the way until he puts a bullet in his head in chapter 945. And lastly what do you mean "nukes the cast"? The only one who died is the captain Dunn Smith and the MC. So how is killing one character "nuking"?


dont pass judgment based on first 100 chapters bro. it gets much much better as the story progresses. i agree with you on no romance though. i didn't like that either. normally i would have dropped cause of this but the story is so good i just could not. i read like a drug addict. and honestly author didn't nuke anything or forcing anything at all. thats how the novel is. the author is trying to covey that in this world, even a minor event can turn into a crazy situation. isn't that how accidents happen? when you least expect it?


Most people just read the first ten chapters before they decide to rate things and stick with it. I think that's largely why this has decent following off this platform. The first half was legitimately hood to me. But the characters besides the protagonist don't truly matter and there's no romance either to tie you down. The cast is basically fodder. I can't make myself care about them. If this story would have naturally branched out from the first city with the main cast gaining strength, picking up new members like his sister, some light romance subplot, and continuing with the general tone it set at first it would have been a great series. But he flipped the table on that and ruined everything. I don't understand how no one else sees that? It's like if you're playing a board game and your opponent throws a fit when it's going good. Knocking everything over. You don't feel like playing with them again.

WN_Enthusiast:dont pass judgment based on first 100 chapters bro. it gets much much better as the story progresses. i agree with you on no romance though. i didn't like that either. normally i would have dropped cause of this but the story is so good i just could not. i read like a drug addict. and honestly author didn't nuke anything or forcing anything at all. thats how the novel is. the author is trying to covey that in this world, even a minor event can turn into a crazy situation. isn't that how accidents happen? when you least expect it?

Your comment got deleted. As to your comment about you thinking fundamental concepts of writing are boring and your claim it can't be done well? Will Wight's Cradle series would like to have a word with you. Top dog in cultivation writing. Which this basically was. It continues to soak up all the money these eastern writers are losing because they don't get it. The fact you didn't like his world building and a side chapters can only be a reflection of the writer and your own niche taste for tragedy. I'll grant you that his protagonist at least just has different issues than most eastern writers have, usually they're ethical ones with these guys first, this one didn't know how to write in the modern format I think, but regardless Lord of Mysteries is VERY far from the big dogs in the genre making bank. It's not even the best at Torture P*rn. That would go to M.H. Johnson probably. Certainly doesn't deserve a five star rating and will likely never go mainstream. Why? It's because you guy's don't realize how niche all your taste is. Cult classic is being kind. The George RR Martin group might like it if it was a TV show, but this is literature... I don't know how to be more clear. If you're a super fan you'll likely never understand what I'm talking about here. You didn't likely read this far either though or you're disregarding anything that threatened the image you've built in your head for this work. Sigh. . . If you're not a normal person in real life you definitely won't understand. What's a normal person in this context? Someone that seeks out relationships, human interactions, builds on those relationships, and have their aspirations revolve around all of those things. This protagonist? Doesn't go after romance, had all his friends killed, and gets cut off from his family. Put yourself in his shoes if you're a normal person. What do you do? Accumulate power for no reason? Waste your life for pointless revenge? Keep estranged from your only loved ones in the world for a poorly conceived notion of protection? (That's not protection. That's antisocial tendencies hidden behind falty logic. It's fear) Hold on to some vain hope you'll return to a Earth you don't know and even though there's no evidence that's even possible and we know nothing about what he lost there anyway because the writer never developed it? No you wouldn't. Would you? It doesn't make emotional or logical sense. It's an unsatisfying story because it preys on your emotions in a negative way without regard to the actual narative or verisimilitude. You can't put yourself in their shoes because you need these anchors to live. You need intimacy, human interactions, and relationships to be mentally stable. 3.5 was me being kind.


bro cradle is trash i fall asleep from the first book also this mans an alien or something my god

Ouroboros001:Your comment got deleted. As to your comment about you thinking fundamental concepts of writing are boring and your claim it can't be done well? Will Wight's Cradle series would like to have a word with you. Top dog in cultivation writing. Which this basically was. It continues to soak up all the money these eastern writers are losing because they don't get it. The fact you didn't like his world building and a side chapters can only be a reflection of the writer and your own niche taste for tragedy. I'll grant you that his protagonist at least just has different issues than most eastern writers have, usually they're ethical ones with these guys first, this one didn't know how to write in the modern format I think, but regardless Lord of Mysteries is VERY far from the big dogs in the genre making bank. It's not even the best at Torture P*rn. That would go to M.H. Johnson probably. Certainly doesn't deserve a five star rating and will likely never go mainstream. Why? It's because you guy's don't realize how niche all your taste is. Cult classic is being kind. The George RR Martin group might like it if it was a TV show, but this is literature... I don't know how to be more clear. If you're a super fan you'll likely never understand what I'm talking about here. You didn't likely read this far either though or you're disregarding anything that threatened the image you've built in your head for this work. Sigh. . . If you're not a normal person in real life you definitely won't understand. What's a normal person in this context? Someone that seeks out relationships, human interactions, builds on those relationships, and have their aspirations revolve around all of those things. This protagonist? Doesn't go after romance, had all his friends killed, and gets cut off from his family. Put yourself in his shoes if you're a normal person. What do you do? Accumulate power for no reason? Waste your life for pointless revenge? Keep estranged from your only loved ones in the world for a poorly conceived notion of protection? (That's not protection. That's antisocial tendencies hidden behind falty logic. It's fear) Hold on to some vain hope you'll return to a Earth you don't know and even though there's no evidence that's even possible and we know nothing about what he lost there anyway because the writer never developed it? No you wouldn't. Would you? It doesn't make emotional or logical sense. It's an unsatisfying story because it preys on your emotions in a negative way without regard to the actual narative or verisimilitude. You can't put yourself in their shoes because you need these anchors to live. You need intimacy, human interactions, and relationships to be mentally stable. 3.5 was me being kind.

I'm not reading all that or getting into circular arguments. If you don't agree that's fine. I've said all I need to say.

Angheuse:bro cradle is trash i fall asleep from the first book also this mans an alien or something my god

The whole 'looking for a way back home' part dies down and just when you think it's no issue any more, there is a huge reveal. As for nuking the cast? I assume you mean the way he distances himself from his family? That is obviously to protect them.


Yeah, I didn't like that writing decision on his part. I understand the excuses he uses, but didn't like it. It wasn't just his family, but everyone from the original cast gets f***ed over pretty bad. As for the big reveal, I'm afraid I didn't read past the first major arc. Over the months I've realized this series has a very niche following of hard-core fans. A cult following if you will. The hc fans didn't like the intro to the story and liked everything after the first arc. Which to me is quite unusual. The first arc's exposition was poorly parceled out, but it did have the formal writing structure people like me are taught in school. It was a proper arc with many flaws but it was there. Then the rest is from what I can tell subpar stuff you can expect from this website to be perfectly honest. It wouldn't do well with publishing. Not unless all these free readers that say they love it bought it each time but that's not usually what happens with these cult followers of web novels like this. Just look at Strongest System with the weird goat stuff in it? It's been published for months now and no one is reading it. It has one star likely from the author himself or a friend. 😆

NotKane:The whole 'looking for a way back home' part dies down and just when you think it's no issue any more, there is a huge reveal. As for nuking the cast? I assume you mean the way he distances himself from his family? That is obviously to protect them.