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Alright, since Translator asked, here is a review: Translation quality - 5/5 (like some actually quality writing) Canon characters - 5/5 (Characters actually feel authentic and real. There was only one moment in the early chaps where I thought 'that's plausible, but would it actualy go down like that?' but other than that, it's an absolute top.) OC characters - ?/5 (So far there are very few original characters with the exception of MC but they are there just as props. So for now no score) Main character - 5/5 (dude got a character. You most definately won't think he is generic, at least I, an avid fanfic reader, don't. Most importantly he is not dumb!) Story - 4.5/5 (I don't wanna spoil things but I really like where the story going. At times it feels a little slow but that's just me nitpicking, I think) World - 5/5 (it actually feels like Night City. Half the fics about Cyberpunk are coasting on the established characters and 'choom this', 'flatline that'. This one though doesn't spend a whole lot decribing the scenes but does make characters do things that fit their MO, in a place like NC, in circumstances that most definately Cyberpunk 2077. It's really good. It actually feels like these people are from a coprarate controlled dystopia) If you want a real score, not inflated by the readers who give five stars to MTLs, this one is a solid 4.8! The remaining 0.2 are just nitpicks and small things. Would I recomend it? Yes! If the tags are up your alley.
Alright, since Translator asked, here is a review: Translation quality - 5/5 (like some actually quality writing) Canon characters - 5/5 (Characters actually feel authentic and real. There was only one moment in the early chaps where I thought 'that's plausible, but would it actualy go down like that?' but other than that, it's an absolute top.) OC characters - ?/5 (So far there are very few original characters with the exception of MC but they are there just as props. So for now no score) Main character - 5/5 (dude got a character. You most definately won't think he is generic, at least I, an avid fanfic reader, don't. Most importantly he is not dumb!) Story - 4.5/5 (I don't wanna spoil things but I really like where the story going. At times it feels a little slow but that's just me nitpicking, I think) World - 5/5 (it actually feels like Night City. Half the fics about Cyberpunk are coasting on the established characters and 'choom this', 'flatline that'. This one though doesn't spend a whole lot decribing the scenes but does make characters do things that fit their MO, in a place like NC, in circumstances that most definately Cyberpunk 2077. It's really good. It actually feels like these people are from a coprarate controlled dystopia) If you want a real score, not inflated by the readers who give five stars to MTLs, this one is a solid 4.8! The remaining 0.2 are just nitpicks and small things. Would I recomend it? Yes! If the tags are up your alley.
To be honest, after reading this, I've spent far too much time trying to find something similar. So read with knowledge that this story is one of the kind.
Recommend to crosspost on writing forums. If you are gonna keep it kids friendly I suggest posting it on SpaceBattles or SufficientVelocity. If not QuestionableQuesting would work. There people could give you a better feedback and help you with grammar and sentence structure.
Welcome to Webnovel! Let the plebs see for themselves the glory of the QQ classic. ........................................................
I hope you don’t take take it as nitpicking, Author but a middle aged woman (attractive one at that) blushing at honestly bad flirting attemps from a 12 year old? I feel like I am reading a **** script not a story. Cringworthy to say the least. Second thing I wanted to say, is that you made the MC overly narcissistic (imo). My humble words, my good looks, my awesome magic, my super rare wand. I think you should tone it down a little. There is wish fullfilment story and there is “bow down peasants”. After reading a bit MC is closer to the latter.
Uhh, I am not sure whether or not you forgot to indicate thoughts of the MC but the change from 3rd peson to 1st person POV was jarring
I’ll be honest, there is not much to say about this novel (up to chap 70). It’s neither good, nor bad, a bit bland but that’s alright. Considering that half of all novels on this site are straight up garbage, it is already ahead of its competition. Don’t expect anything truly intriguing or new and exciting, this novel doesn’t have that. But it does have a solid beginning.
Lol, Beluga’s answer - stay delusional
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