


favorite novel: Lord of Mysteries

2017-09-13 Se unióUnited States

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  • FredS
    FredS5 years ago
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    While the story is pretty good, the Grammer is awful. It feels like it written with 8 year olds English skills. It also wrongly overuses the most annoying word that every time I see it used as a descriptor makes me want to reach through the computer and smack the author. The word "like".

  • FredS
    FredS5 years ago
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    Ignore the haters, I really like the direction you took this novel where the mc uses more smart thinking and political maneuvering rather than just solving problems by force. I agree that the mc is very low powered in marvel universe, mind reading and invisibility are on the far lower rung of the power scale in this universe.[img=update]

  • FredS
    FredS5 years ago
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    Awful cliche ridden disaster, 30 chapters in and mc has cultivated a total of 1 time, the rest of the chapters are just filled with mc smacking around and insulting every single person he crosses path with for no reason what so ever. He doesn't even fight himself just sics his guard on them. So far he has done absolutely no achelmy and his computer cheat has never been used more than once which he only used it to read a few books. There is nothing likeable at all about the mc, and the humor and jokes fall flat.

  • FredS
    FredS5 years ago
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    Way to many similiar names, especially ones that start with Z makes it confusing and hard to read without losing track of who's who. One chapter I just read had 5 different characters with Z Names that where practically the same, super annoying to read.