

2017-06-05 Se unióUnited States



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  • Daddy
    respondió a ChuuniGeezer

    ... Persephone is the goddess of spring.

    "… They are somewhat impressive," Hades admitted, never looking away from his wife. "But I prefer the flowers of spring."
    Gotham's Dead End Bar
    Cómic · Daddy
  • Daddy
    respondió a AeonCDG

    Probably not but I can recommend a good author for that sort of 'overarching multiversal concept' theme. @theaceoffire, can be found on Fanfiction.net and the SufficientVelocity forums. I'd happily recommend all of their stories but the 'Broken Adventure' series is the one you'd probably find most helpful for that. It's also just a good read (IMO). They're one of those authors where I wish I could go back and read their stuff again for the first time lol.

    Ch 55 50: Surprise Christmas Cake
    Gotham's Dead End Bar
    Cómic · Daddy
  • Daddy
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    Long hair of spun gold. A holy halo, unwavering above her head. The most beautiful white feathers I'd ever seen. Brilliant blue eyes, as clear and calm as tropical waters. A body that simply wouldn't quit. Even covered by a pure, white sundress, her figure should have been positively sinful. Instead, it somehow managed to bring forth faith and purity in even the most depraved, desolate, and sinful minds.
    Gotham's Dead End Bar
    Cómic · Daddy
  • Daddy
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    Long hair of spun gold. A holy halo, unwavering above her head. The most beautiful white feathers I'd ever seen. Brilliant blue eyes, as clear and calm as tropical waters. A body that simply wouldn't quit. Even covered by a pure, white sundress, her figure should have been positively sinful. Instead, it somehow managed to bring forth faith and purity in even the most depraved, desolate, and sinful minds.
    Gotham's Dead End Bar
    Cómic · Daddy
  • Daddy
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    A blonde fox woman tittered drunkenly, hiding her mouth full of fangs behind numerous fluffy fox tails. She was deep in her cups. And overflowing from her cups too. Just absolutely spilling out of her… dress. Cleavage deep enough to drown in was thrust forward upon the world. Miles and miles of smooth, soft, succulent flesh were put on display from a half-opened kimono as the kitsune leaned forward to pour Past-Me more sake.
    Gotham's Dead End Bar
    Cómic · Daddy
  • Daddy
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    Este párrafo ha sido eliminado.
    Gotham's Dead End Bar
    Cómic · Daddy
  • Daddy
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    Este párrafo ha sido eliminado.
    Gotham's Dead End Bar
    Cómic · Daddy
  • Daddy
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    Este párrafo ha sido eliminado.
    Gotham's Dead End Bar
    Cómic · Daddy
  • Daddy
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    An aura of warmth surrounded her constantly, as much a part of her being as her divine blood and bone. Her skin was ever-so-slightly dusky and flatteringly flushed from the warmth of her being. Toasty brown hair fell in a sheet of long, tight ringlets down her back. When she smiled, the world seemed to huddle in closer for comfy warmth.
    Gotham's Dead End Bar
    Cómic · Daddy
  • Daddy
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    An aura of warmth surrounded her constantly, as much a part of her being as her divine blood and bone. Her skin was ever-so-slightly dusky and flatteringly flushed from the warmth of her being. Toasty brown hair fell in a sheet of long, tight ringlets down her back. When she smiled, the world seemed to huddle in closer for comfy warmth.
    Gotham's Dead End Bar
    Cómic · Daddy
  • Daddy
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    In contrast, Hades was a cold man, with angular, striking features set in an almost constant flat scowl. Not just in bearing and demeanor — his very being striving to drain warmth and life from the world around him. He mitigated the effect well enough that it was barely noticeable but there was still an undeniably Deathly air to him.
    Gotham's Dead End Bar
    Cómic · Daddy
  • Daddy
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    His wife complimented him perfectly in that regard. She too was a warm woman. But not in the same way Hestia was. If Hestia was the warmth of an essential flame, Persephone was the warmth of steady-pounding blood and a Summer's bloom. She was Life to her husband's Death. Flowers blossomed in her shock-white hair and intangible butterflies fluttered everywhere she looked.
    Gotham's Dead End Bar
    Cómic · Daddy
  • Daddy
    respondió a RustyBoi

    #notmyAphrodite (Like, literally. I'm going for a very unique take where Aphrodite and Hephaestus are actually *gasp!* in love.)

    In truth, she was ecstatic to give Hephaestus the love he'd been starved of, to Lovingly dote upon his genius of sooty hands and sweaty brow. In return, he took her seriously, saw more than just her outer beauty as the other gods did, and treated her as more than just 'the sex goddess'. And he spent their time together creating ever-more gifts for her, bringing brand new beauty into the world just to make her happy and to see her smile at him.
    Gotham's Dead End Bar
    Cómic · Daddy
  • Daddy
    respondió a BookWyrmofWyrms

    fixed, thank you

    Este párrafo ha sido eliminado.
    Gotham's Dead End Bar
    Cómic · Daddy
  • Daddy
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    This Hecate was a young being. Innocent. Curious. Excited to learn about everything that crossed her newly-born path. The Maiden — pure in her passion and love of Magic and existence itself.
    Gotham's Dead End Bar
    Cómic · Daddy
  • Daddy
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    This Hecate was a young being. Innocent. Curious. Excited to learn about everything that crossed her newly-born path. The Maiden — pure in her passion and love of Magic and existence itself.
    Gotham's Dead End Bar
    Cómic · Daddy
  • Daddy
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    This Hecate was a young being. Innocent. Curious. Excited to learn about everything that crossed her newly-born path. The Maiden — pure in her passion and love of Magic and existence itself.
    Gotham's Dead End Bar
    Cómic · Daddy
  • Daddy
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    This Hecate was a young being. Innocent. Curious. Excited to learn about everything that crossed her newly-born path. The Maiden — pure in her passion and love of Magic and existence itself.
    Gotham's Dead End Bar
    Cómic · Daddy
  • Daddy
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    This Hecate was a young being. Innocent. Curious. Excited to learn about everything that crossed her newly-born path. The Maiden — pure in her passion and love of Magic and existence itself.
    Gotham's Dead End Bar
    Cómic · Daddy
  • Daddy
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    This Hecate was a young being. Innocent. Curious. Excited to learn about everything that crossed her newly-born path. The Maiden — pure in her passion and love of Magic and existence itself.
    Gotham's Dead End Bar
    Cómic · Daddy